Chapter 33: Discovering the truth

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Abhi and Yuvraj were waiting for the last fifteen minutes at a safe distance from Aaradhya's auto. She stopped near the same village they visited during their field trip.

"I don't understand. What is she doing here?" Yuvraj said.

"We came here during our field trip. She looked lost that day too," Abhi answered.

"Let's go and ask her," Yuvraj suggested.

"Are you dumb? She did not tell anyone of us means she doesn't want us here. Let's just wait here," Abhi said.

"What if she gets into some kind of trouble? I think we should go to her," Yuvraj said again.

"We are not going there. Either wait here or leave. I'll take care of the rest from here. Thanks for the lift," Abhi said in a very irritated tone.

"You can leave if you want. I am not going anywhere," Yuvraj said.

"Then just shut up and sit," Abhi said glaring at him.

"This is my Jeep. I'll shout in it if I want. You are no one to tell me that, Abhimanyu," Yuvraj said.

"Fine. Sit here and shout. Let the whole village know you are here. I am not going to sit here with you," Abhi said jumping down the Jeep.

Just then they saw a girl coming out with a man. They took her inside a car and left. Aaradhya's auto followed it immediately. Abhi took the passenger seat again. He had no choice. By the time he would find another auto, they will be lost.

"What happened? Again need my help?" Yuvraj smirked.

"I'll pay for your service. Just drive fast," Abhi said clenching his jaws. It's all because of Aaradhya. He has to keep his self-respect aside for her. If he was not worried for her safety, he would have never asked for this idiot's help. He is gonna ask his dad to send his car or bike here.

Yuvraj followed them keeping a safe distance so that Aaradhya doesn't see them. It's because of her that he has to sit with this dimwit here.

They stopped outside an expensive hotel. It looked so beautiful. Aaradhya was shocked to see the view in front of her. Why the hell is Sharda's family here?

"Oh fuck! Those people from the village celebrate their parties here?" Yuvraj said shocked.

"Something is not right. Aaradhya must have noticed something weird," Abhi said.

"Oh seriously? I thought everything was normal. We were just following people for fun," Yuvraj said sarcastically.

"Shut up! You better shut.... Hey, why is Aaradhya going inside?" Abhi asked.

"Let's stop her," Yuvraj said.

"No, let her do what she wants. She started it, let her finish it," Abhi said.

"What kind of man are you, dude? That girl is going in there, we don't even know what kind of people are there and you just want to sit and watch?" Yuvraj asked.

"Why are we here? To protect her if she gets into some trouble, right? Let her do what she wants. She must have thought about it before coming here. Let's just follow her. Don't disturb her," Abhi said. He wants Aaradhya to do whatever she wants. He wants her to realise what she is capable of.

"Ok, let's take this with us," Yuvraj said taking out his gun.

"What's wrong with you, Shekhawat? Why do you carry this with you everywhere?" Abhi asked. This boy was gonna be a doctor in a few years. Why does he have to keep a gun with him all the time?

"For situations like these," Yuvraj said jumping down the Jeep and walking towards the entrance. Abhi followed him immediately.

Aaradhya saw many other girls dressed beautifully entering the hotel. What was going on here? And these men looked rich but creepy. Should she call the Police? But what would she tell them? She herself doesn't know what's going on here. So she decided to enter the hotel. It was risky, she knows that. But she has pepper spray with her in case things went wrong. She just hopes it helps.

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