Chapter 23 Doing what's right

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Have you ever gone through a phase where your heart and mind want completely different things? Aaradhya was going through this phase for the first time in her life.

One week has already passed since she argued with Abhi. And from last week, she has been receiving flowers daily. On the first day, she thought it was a one-time thing but every night at eight p.m. sharp she gets a call from a delivery boy and gets different kinds of flowers.

This was enough. She did not have the heart to throw them right away, so she has been keeping them. And if this continues for a few more days she and Tanu would have to shift rooms. Because the current one will be filled with beautiful flowers. Yes. Beautiful. Well, she can't deny the fact that the flowers are beautiful. But tomorrow she would tell him to stop this nonsense.

"Stop sending me flowers daily," she said when she found him standing near the stairs.

"Forgive me then," he said.

"Please, Abhi! Stop this already. Why can't you just let me live in peace?" she asked.

"Not talking to me brings you peace?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"I.. Yes.. It does," she said looking at the floor.

"Hii Abhi! Yesterday was fun. Wanna hang out today?" came a voice from behind.

"Hii Ishita! Yes, it was fun. But today I have some other commitments," he answered.

"Oh Ok! No problem! Call me when you are free," her face fell but still, she smiled at both of them and left.

If looks could kill Abhi would have been dead by now. Aaradhya looked mad. Very mad.

"I see, you made some new friends," she said as Ishita left.

"It was her birthday. She invited me. It's just that," he said.

"Among all the other students present here, she invited only you. Good," she said sarcastically.

"It was a small party, she invited only close friends," he tried to defend himself and then immediately realised he did the opposite.

"Oh, close friends. Nice," she said again.

"She considers me a close friend because I fought with Yuvraj because of her. I consider her as my sister, I swear," he said.

"Sister? Seriously," she said trying to fight the smile that was forming on her lips.

"Yes seriously, sister," he said.

"Whatever! I don't care. Just stop sending those flowers," she said turning to leave.

"I won't," he said following her.

"I'll throw them away this time," she warned him.

"You have been keeping them till now," he asked surprised.

"I.... I.. No, why would I keep them? I'll keep throwing them if you keep sending them," she lied.

"Do whatever you want with them. But I won't stop sending them," he said slowly walking with her.

She did not say anything after that. Somewhere she doesn't want him to stop sending them. They walked in silence to their class and soon got busy with their lectures.


Tanu, Teena and Aaradhya went for a walk in the garden in the evening. Teena looked a little disturbed these days and they both noticed this. Tanu and Aaradhya have decided to ask the reason today.

"You can tell us if something is bothering you, Teena," said Tanu breaking the silence. Aaradhya was thankful to her. She is very bad at starting conversations.

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