Chapter 24: Changing Perspective

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The best phase of student life is the period after the end of one exam and before the declaration of another.

That period was over for these going-to-be doctors. Their end-semester exam dates were announced. After these exams, they will become second-year students. They will become seniors. Time flies so quickly. It was like yesterday, they entered the campus and they are going to be seniors already. Their exams would start in about a month and the library was again full of students, studying hard to pass it.

When everyone was busy stressing about their vast syllabus, Tanu and Aaradhya were busy thinking about ways to help Teena. They were not sure whether to tell their other friends about this or not. And without their help, it would be difficult to take Teena out of this situation. So, last night they decided to focus on their studies for the time being. It's not like she is marrying him anytime soon. They will figure out a way eventually.

Things between Abhi and Aaradhya were becoming normal again. Aaradhya was slowly responding to his greetings. He would have not tried this hard if it was all about the bet. She felt a little guilty about assuming things even before asking him but she did what she felt was right at that time.

Tanu has changed her perception a little, just a little, about Yuvraj. He is not a complete asshole. He is a partial one. She has seen a completely different side of him with the children of the orphanage. He does not talk much with her. Just the things related to work. And she was not complaining. If anything, she was thankful. Anyways, it's not like she was dying for his attention.

Teena has been avoiding Tanu and Aaradhya for the past few days, afraid that they would try to convince her to break off the engagement. She does not want to discuss that topic any further. She has grown close to Anuj in the past few days. He was a very caring and helpful person. She wished Ansh was half as good as him. But she can't change someone, can she?

Anuj, on the other hand, has started to like Teena a lot. He has gathered all the courage he can and decided to confess today. He was going to tell her today, no matter what. What if she rejects him? But what if she accepts him? He has to take the risk and he would take it.

"Hii!" Anuj said approaching her.

"Hello!" she smiled brightly.

"So do you have any plans after the class?" he asked.

"No, nothing special. There is so much left to study, I'll work on that only," she answered.

"I was wondering if we can..." he was interrupted by the ringing of her phone which was kept on the table. 'Ansh' it read.

"Excuse me," she said picking up the call and walking to the corner. He could tell her mood was getting off each second she was talking to him.

"You were saying something," she asked as she returned.

"Yeah, can we hang out after the class," he asked.

"I am sorry. I can't. I have to meet someone after class," she answered.

"You just said you have no special plans for the evening," he said.

"I got to know about the meeting just now," she said looking at her phone.

"Oh! You are going to meet Ansh, I guess," he said.

"Yup," she tried to smile.

"Who is he? An old friend," he asked hopefully.

"No," she hesitated.
"My fiance," she said finally.

"Fiance?" Anuj asked shocked.

"Yes, we are going to be engaged soon," she said.

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