Chapter 46

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"Hurry up Tanu! We are already late," Aaradhya shouted through the door.

"Just 2 more minutes," Tanu said looking at herself one last time in the mirror, adjusting her Saree a little and finally turning to leave.

It seems like yesterday they were getting ready for their fresher party and today for farewell.

Five years. Five fucking years!

This city, this University, this hostel room, all of these things accepted them so warmly. It was their second home. Maybe more than that. They have spent the best years of their life here.

But they have dreams to fulfil. Another world waiting for them outside these walls. Of course, they were happy. They were official doctors now. They were excited for life ahead. They were sad about parting ways with each other. They were afraid to face the outside world. They were nervous about their future. Everyone's heart had a tsunami of emotion.

Aaradhya heard a loud whistle as she came outside her hostel gate.

"Abhi!" she exclaimed walking to him.

"You are looking breathtaking!" he said examining her from head to toe.

Her cheek flushed and she shivered a little under his intense gaze.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Oh mister lover boy is here," Tanu teased coming near them with Teena.

"Hello to you too," he said.

"How are we looking?" she asked.

"You both look presentable," he said.

"Excuse me? Presentable?" Tanu said squinting her eyes. It took her two hours to get ready. Two freaking hours. And she is just looking presentable.

"What do you mean by we are looking presentable? We are looking mesmerising, hot and whatnot," Teena said.

"I don't use those words for anyone else except her. Go ask your boyfriends for compliments," he said wrapping her arm around Aaradhya's shoulder and she laughed.

"Whatever," Tanu said rolling her eyes and they walked towards their University where the party was scheduled.

This was the last time their batch was celebrating together. Who knows when they'll all be able to meet like this?

"We all will enrol in the same University for Specialization too," Anuj said.

"And we all will be selected for the same University?" Teena asked.

"Who knows? But at least let's hope for it," he said.

"We will always be in touch. Promise me guys," Tanu said. She felt like crying now. Though these people were stupid but they were the loveliest stupid ones. She would miss them a lot.

"Promise," everyone said in unison.

Soon they all indulged in dancing. They danced like maniacs. Until they could not feel their feet anymore. Until they were completely exhausted.

Aaradhya's legs have started hurting now. And she felt overwhelmed with her emotions. She will leave for her Mama Ji's house tomorrow and then after two days to Lucknow, her home.

She'll miss everyone. Tanu, her craziest best friend, Teena, her comfort friend, Yuvraj, a big brother in the form of a friend, Dev and Anuj, her sweetest friend and Abhi, her.... her everything.

Her feet lead her to their first-year classroom without thinking. The place where it all started. She laughed remembering their first day here. How hard it was to find this classroom in this big University. Now it feels so small. She sat on the last bench looking around silently.

"What are you doing here? I searched for you everywhere," Abhi said entering the class after a few minutes.

"I was feeling tired," she said trying her best not to cry.

"You cried," he stated sitting beside her.

"No!" she said immediately.

"I am not asking, Aaradhya. It's clear from your face," he said gently.

"What if we don't get selected for the same college, Abhi," she asked.

"Why are you thinking about all this? Let's just focus on our entrance exam. Leave everything on time," he said caressing her right cheek softly.

"I don't want to live without you," she said her eyes tearing up again.

"Don't worry. If I get into a different University, I will not take admission there. I'll come to whichever city you'll take admission to," he said smiling.

"And what will you do there?" She asked.

"Well! I can do many many things there. Depends on what you want me to do," he said winking.

She laughed hitting his hand lightly, red colour covering her cheeks instantly. She hugged him tightly not knowing when she'd get his comforting embrace again. He held her tightly patting her head lightly.

When she moved her head to see him she flinched. Their faces so close. Their lips were just a centimetre apart. Her breath stopped.

She has hugged him and laid in his embrace a thousand times. But she always hesitated for anything more than that. And Abhi being the gentleman he is never asked her for more. Never did anything she was not comfortable with.

He caressed her cheek softly and moved away. He knows her limits and he knows his. And he was sure about making her his wife. He has a lifetime to do whatever he has dreamed of with her.

But she pulled him back, more close this time.

"Don't do anything you are not comfortable doing," he said gently but his mind wanted the opposite.

"You are an idiot," she said keeping her lips on his gently. She has never kissed before, she doesn't know what to do. So she moved away after a peck. Her cheeks turned dark red already. She doesn't know from where she got this confidence but she does not regret it.

"You started it," Abhi said pulling her close and kissing her again. And it was not gentle. He tried to be but the last piece of sanity left his mind as soon as he tasted her lips. They separated when they fell out of breath. She immediately hid her face in his chest. How was she going to face him now?

"You are so cruel. You made me addicted to something that I'll not be able to taste from tomorrow to at least five months," he muttered patting her head lovingly.

They had their post-graduation entrance exam after five months. Till then they all will be at their home studying hard to get into a nice college. This struggle never ends. To make a nice future, the present demands a lot of sacrifices, hard work and study.

But just five months. He was sure to study hard and get such good marks that every university selects him and then he will choose the one Aaradhya gets admitted to.

It's just about time. Time brings back everything on track, doesn't it? But sometimes with time, things go off track too.


Do vote and comment guys.

And I am very bad at writing these kissing scenes that's why I avoid them but still I tried.

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