Chapter 32: Field Trip

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All the second-year students were very excited as they were going to have their first field trip this weekend. For this, they all were divided into groups of four. They had to visit the nearby rural areas and meet the families there. Then they would have to take responsibility for any one family's health care. This was gonna be a serious and fun assignment.

"I wish I was in your group," Tanu said sadly looking at Aaradhya and Teena. They both were in one group, with two other boys of their class. Dev, Tanu, Ishita and Lipika were grouped together.

"I am sure you will be fine with Dev," Teena said.

"And what about those two girls? Ishita and Lipika together. Oh god! How would I handle them!" Tanu said.

"You don't need to handle them, Tanu. Just handle the family you choose. Do your duty," Aaradhya said.

"Yeah, I'll try that," Tanu said sighing. It would have been so much fun if she was in the same group as them. Why is god always unfair to her!!!

"We are here. Go and explore the place. Meet people. Tell them about hygiene and health and come back with the details of the family, you want to work with," Professor Sharma told them.

They all excitedly went to explore the village. Tanu wanted to cry after seeing the condition there. How do these people live here? She has lived in Mumbai all her life. She has never visited such places. Although she has heard about the unhygienic and terrible conditions of some rural areas, she had no idea it would be like this.

"Which house do you think we should go first?" Lipika asked.

"The one at the corner," Ishita said.

Dev and Tanu just followed them.

Abhi and Anuj were in the same team as Lakshay and Atharva. Abhi wanted to bang his head on the wall. From all the students they had to keep Atharva in his team? Atharva! But he focused on his work. He entered in the first house he saw without discussing it with his team members. He just wants to get done with this shit!

"Tell him to at least to discuss with us before choosing any family," Atharva said to Anuj. Atharva was equally upset. He wanted to stay away from this psycho. He doesn't understand why Abhi hates him so much. He doesn't remember doing anything to him.

Aaradhya saw a girl hanging clothes outside her house. She must be 15 or 16. Aaradhya felt an instant connection with her. She was sure she would work with her family.

"Hi!" Aaradhya said approaching her.

"Namaste!" the girl replied.

"What's your name?" Aaradhya asked.

"Sharda Kumari. You are a doctor?" the girl asked, she looked mesmerised by Aaradhya's white coat and stethoscope.

"I'll become one soon," Aaradhya smiled.

"What's your name?" the girl asked.

"Aaradhya and this is Teena, my friend," Aaradhya introduced her. Both the boys introduced themselves too.

"We were told yesterday that doctors will come and look after our families. You will choose my family?" she asked.

"We will. How many members are in your family?" Aaradhya asked.

"Only 2. My Chacha ji and I," the girl answered.

"And your parents?" Teena asked.

"They died when I was five years old," the girl replied.

"Oh! Is your chacha ji here now?" Teena asked.

"No he comes at night," the girl answered.

"Aaradhya, Teena, can we talk?" Sumit, a boy from their team called them.

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