Chapter 16: Sorry?

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Every story has a hero and a villain. People always support the hero as they should. But what they don't see is that villains have their own story too. They have their share of suffering too. But the path they chose to solve them makes everyone hate them. And they deserve the hate, don't they? One has to pay for his or her deeds at any cost.

And now Yuvraj carried that tag of villain there. Though Teena did not complain about him to the authorities, the students knew the truth. Many feared him but most of them were disgusted by him. And for the first time, he questioned his life decisions. What has he become? He wanted to apologise to Teena so badly. She has a scar on her forehead because of him. But that girl ignored him royally. He needs to talk with her for his peace of mind. And he knows who can help him with this.

"Can we talk for two minutes?" he stopped Aaradhya as she was coming out of the washroom.

She immediately took a few steps backwards. Her eyes widened. If Abhi sees her talking with him he will kill her. He has warned everyone to ignore him and inform him immediately if Yuvraj ever tries to contact any of his friends.

"No! Get out of my way. Now!" she said confidently.

"Listen, Aaradhya, I am very sorry for everything I did. I just want you to tell Teena to talk to me. Just once. Please!" he pleaded.

"What?" Her eyes widened even more.

"I just want to apologise. Abhi won't allow her to come near me. Only you can make him understand that I will not harm her. I'll just say sorry and leave. "

"How can I make him understand? Are you out of your mind?"

"Then don't. Just tell Teena to meet me once. I know you all hate me but I deserve a chance too. Please."

Aaradhya closed her eyes. What should she do? He looked vulnerable. She wanted to help him but what about Abhi?

"I'll try," she mumbled quietly.

"Thank you so much. It would mean a lot to me." he smiled hopefully.

She left immediately after that. She has a class in 15 minutes. Before that, she can grab a quick coffee, at least. She entered the canteen, took her coffee and sat on the first bench she found empty.

"Done?" asked Abhi standing in front of her.

"Done? With what?" she asked.

"With your little chit-chat session with Yuvraj?" he asked smiling bitterly.
"What was he saying?" he asked seriously.

He saw them. As expected. Nothing goes unnoticed by him anyways.

"He was sorry for all he did and he wants to apologize to Teena," she said

"Teena will not meet him at any cost," he said seriously.

"That's her decision to make," she said sounding equally serious.

"Two minutes of talk and you are on his side already?" he accused.

"I am not taking sides. He was sorry. I could see it in his eyes. He looked truly ashamed of what he did, " she said trying to make him understand.

"Oh wow! So now you are reading others' eyes too. Great! It's time for the class. Let's go." he stood and left.

She closed her eyes in frustration. However hard she tried to stay away from unnecessary drama but looks like drama doesn't want to stay away from her.

She walked to her class and saw Abhi sitting on the last seat, as usual. She took her seat and the next few hours passed listening to boring lectures. After the class was dismissed she approached Teena.

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