Chapter 56

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Abhi woke up around five in the morning finding Aaradhya cuddled into him and sleeping peacefully on the floor. He wanted to stay there like that but it would become awkward once she got up. She was emotional yesterday but when she starts thinking rationally again, she will consider this a mistake. So he got up carefully trying his best not to disturb her and decided to leave. But it would be uncomfortable to sleep on the floor, so he picked her up in his arms and laid her gently on her bed, covered her with a blanket, kissed her forehead lightly and forced himself to leave the place.

That man is going to pay. He is going to destroy Harshit's career. Well, he destroyed it himself but Abhi will make sure to make it worse for him. He was proud of Aaradhya. She doesn't need someone to protect her. She is very much capable of it herself and she proved it yesterday.

He went to his apartment. He doesn't live with his parents now. His brother has shifted to Noida because he handles the company branch there. And without him, he doesn't want to live in that house. His mother was upset about him moving out and he did not want to hurt her either but he didn't want to see his father's face every day. He knows this is very selfish of him but he just cannot help it. He just wants to live alone in peace. He was not sure about the peace part but the least he could afford was to live alone and he did that.

Aaradhya woke up and found herself on her bed covered with a warm blanket. She recalled the events of last night. Abhi was here with her. Did he leave already? She looked around the room hoping to see him anywhere. Then she rushed to her drawing room finding it empty too. He left. He was supposed to leave. But he could have stayed until she woke up or he should have informed her before leaving at least.

She sat there on the couch for some time thinking about him. Can someone be more selfish than her? She wants him close when she needs him and then maintains her distance whenever she wants. What a selfish bitch she is! How was he still so kind to her?

First, she decided to take a day off and mourn over her life for the rest of the day but then she decided against it. The hospital staff must have many questions regarding the whole thing and she needs to answer them. So she gained all her strength and got ready for the day.


"Thank god, you are here! Why were you not answering our calls and what am I hearing? That scum is arrested anyways..." Pooja said as soon as Aaradhya came out of the lift.


"Aaradhya! Are you alright, child?" Dr Dalmia said approaching her.

"Yes sir I am fine," she told him.

"I am so sorry. You have to face this here in the department where you save the lives of others. I am really ashamed..." he continued.

"No sir. Please don't say that. It's no one's fault. And I am alright," she stopped him.

"You are a brave girl, Aaradhya. I am so proud of you. Dr Abhimanyu told me everything. You can take a day off today. Go and rest," he said smiling at the young girl.

"It's ok sir. I don't need a day off. I am perfectly fine to work," she said giving him a confident smile and he nodded.

And soon they all became busy in their worlds. In solving others' lives deadly diseases when their own were falling apart. But this is how life works. Professional and personal life can't be mixed and one doesn't stop for the other.

She was about to leave when she received a call from her mother. Her mother told her about a guy with whom they were thinking of fixing her marriage. She wants Aaradhya to come home this weekend and meet his family. If everything goes well then maybe they can take things further. Aaradhya had declined many such offers earlier but she accepted to meet his family.

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