Chapter 65

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The living room of Raghuvansh Villa was filled with many people but had a pin drop of silence. The tension between the two men, sitting across from each other with a cup of tea in their hands, was very obvious.

Aaradhya's siblings and cousins were busy ogling on their maybe future brother-in-law. They never knew their sister had this fantastic taste in men.

Aaradhya's grandmother was observing Abhimanyu like he was some weird creature. What did her granddaughter see in this boy? And then she observed the rest of his family members. Well, they looked royal. Abhi's elder brother and his wife looked good together. His mother was fine too. But his father, looked nervous?

Aaradhya sat in the corner of the room, praying this to end soon. She cannot face any more drama in her life. And the way her family was looking at Abhi was so embarrassing. She glared at Avani, signalling her to look away from him and take her cousins along. But her sister just shrugged.

This was the first time she was not enjoying the cup of tea in her hand. Usually, tea is her comfort place. She drinks it when she feels sad. She drinks it when she feels happy. But now, even it was not able to calm her down. And suddenly she felt his eyes on her. She looked at him. He smiled and gave her a reassuring look. She felt a little relieved with just his one look. And then she realised, her comfort place was no longer a cup of tea.

Arvind cleared his throat, "Ni...nice tea," he said trying to break the silence.

"Everything about my place is nice," Aditya said sipping his tea. He cannot help but enjoy this state of Arvind Singh Rathod. This man has given him enough headaches. He should know what it feels like to be at the receiving end of cruelty.

Honestly, he did not expect this to happen. He thought Arvind would do anything but come here to meet him. But looks like he was wrong. He is not sure whether this man is going to apologise or not but he will make sure he feels the hate Raghuvanshis have for him. He was quite impressed with Abhimanyu who convinced his father to come here. Maybe he can trust his daughter with him.

"Yes, Uncle. Of course. It's brilliant," Abhimaan interrupted in between. He just wants this drama to end. He has a thousand other works to focus on. He is here just for his brother's happiness. And everything here is so weird. For example, that old woman observing him as if he is not human and some other creature. God! Can't these two men have a quick normal conversation and leave already!

"I.... I should not have done whatever I did to you," Arvind said keeping the cup on the table. It took him tons of courage and lots of patience to keep his self-respect aside and say this.

"I know that, already," Aditya replied.

"It was just for business. Nothing personal," Arvind clarified. He lied though. It became personal the moment his son told him about Aaradhya.

"You sure about that?" Aditya asked keeping his cup on the table too.

"Ye....Yeah. I just did that for profit. I have done it numerous times before and after too."

"For the last few days, no such news has come out. What happened? Changed your ways?" Aditya asked.

"Abhimaan has been handling the majority of things now. I...I don't interfere in his ways," Arvind said, half lying. He does interfere. At each and every step. It's just that Abhimaan never let him. He has his own rules and ethics. And he works with them.

"Nice to know that," Aditya said looking at Abhimaan, smiling at him. How did his sons turn out to be such a gem?

"I am ready for.... for you know..... Abhi and your daughter's alliance," Arvind said.

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