Chapter 61

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Aaradhya went outside her building to take an auto to the hospital ignoring Abhi. She has a ninety-nine per cent belief that he knows what she has done at her home and because of that, he might want to mend things between them. But there is a slight chance just one per cent that he does not know about it. How would he know? None of her college friends know about this. None of the hospital staff knows about this. Who would tell him? Only Siya knew....

But Siya and Abhi never met before he came to her apartment. Did Siya tell him about it? But when would she tell him? She was so lost in her thoughts that she did not realise when Abhi came and stood beside her.

"What?" she asked.

"I need to go to the hospital," he told her.

"Then go. Why are you standing here?" she asked.

"Waiting for an auto," he told her.

"You have a car," she reminded him.

"It's out for servicing," he said casually.

Aaradhya did not say anything further. Should she confront him directly and ask him to stop whatever he was trying to do? She decided to remain silent for now.
She did not object when he joined her in the auto. They reached the hospital at six in the evening and soon work enveloped them.

In between when she got time, she called Siya. She knew she was disturbing her sleep but she needed to ask her about it. And after lots and lots of lies, Siya finally told her the truth. Aaradhya was hurt. She did not expect her best friend to do this. There was no need to tell him about it. It would have been easier for him to hate her then.

Aaradhya did not go to the canteen fearing he would appear there too. But how long can she avoid him now. He lives in the same building as her, just across the corridor. She sighed. She has to make things clear with him. She doesn't want to hurt him more.

At six-thirty in the morning when she came out of the hospital, she found him leaning against a pillar busy with his phone. She avoided him and increased her pace.

"Hii! You are late. Got any emergency at the last minute?" he asked following her.

"You were waiting for me?" she asked.

"No! I was waiting for an auto. I too came out just now," he lied.

"Ok," she said crossing the road. He followed her immediately.

"You didn't answer my question," he said.

"Yeah, I got an emergency," she told him stopping an auto and sitting in it.

"You have to get your blood test done again in five days," he reminded her following her inside immediately.

"I know."

"You are skipping your meals again, aren't you?" he asked.

"You don't need to keep a tab on my life."

"We had a deal. I quit smoking because of that, remember?"

"You don't need to. Go on. Smoke, drink. Live a lavish lifestyle. I don't care."

"What happened? Why are you talking like this?"

"I am not sure what you are trying to do, Abhi. But you are just wasting your time," she told him, looking outside.

Abhi looked at her in confusion. Then it clicked him. She might have known he knows by now. He expected this. But this was just a little sooner.

"I don't understand. What am I wasting my time on?" he asked.

"Stop playing dumb. Siya told me everything."

"Still I don't understand what I am wasting my time on?"

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