Chapter 40

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Two days passed since the whole wedding drama and everyone was back to their normal routines. They have to attend classes no matter what. Medical colleges don't give much time to relax, anyway.

But something changed. Aaradhya's confidence. She understood that standing up for herself gave her much more satisfaction than agreeing to everything others said. And the only reason for this was Abhimanyu.

She has decided to correct her mistake. She is not gonna act coward and avoid him. He was upset with her. He never talked to her unless it was something important. She was the one to push him away, she will be the one to bring everything back to normal.

It took her two days to decide this. And the best way to start a conversation with him was with a 'thank you.' So she approached him as he was sitting in the canteen scrolling through his phone.

"Hii," she said sitting on the chair next to him.

He looked at her from his phone and raised his eyebrows.
"What happened? Is Teena ok?" he asked.

"Yes, she is alright," she answered.

"Ok," he said again shifting his focus to his phone.

She sat there for a minute to gather the courage to talk to him again.

"I wanted to say thank you," she said after sometime.

He just looked at her face and nodded and then again shifted his focus to his phone.

"You don't wanna know for what I am thanking you," she asked again. She wanted the conversation to go on.

"Honestly, Aaradhya I don't care. I helped you just because you were my friend once. As I told you earlier, I can have losers as my friend but not cowards. So now when everything is back to normal, I don't want to do anything with you," Abhi said standing up and went outside the canteen.

"Abhi.." he heard Aaradhya calling him running towards him in the corridor.

"What?" he stopped and asked.

"I am not a coward," she said.

"Yeah, you are very brave. May I leave now?" he said in a bored tone.

"I want us to become normal. As we were before," she said in a small voice.

"So that after a week you realise that being friends with me is a sin and avoid me like a disease. No thank you very much. I am fine this way," he said.

"I won't do that. I promise," she said hurriedly.

"Promises are mend to be broken, Aaradhya. I don't trust you now," he said moving beside her.

"What should I do to earn your trust," she asked stopping him by holding his hand.

"Earn it," he said taking out his hand out of her grasp and left.

Aaradhya felt like crying. He was right. She cannot just leave his life whenever she wants and enter like that. She has to earn his trust. But how?


Aaradhya exhausted herself by thinking ways to earn his trust and then decided to study for sometime. They have their practical tomorrow, she needs to prepare herself for that. As she opened the book a dried flower came to her view. The flower Abhi has sent her when she was mad at him. 

He sent her flowers everyday. She will do the same. Maybe he will like it.


Abhi was engrossed in his thoughts when his phone rang. It was an unknown number.

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