Chapter 60

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Aaradhya felt better after sleeping for a couple of hours. It was two in the afternoon when she got up. She took a relaxing bath and decided to make something for her and Siya. Siya was busy with her laptop when she came out to the living room.

"Hii! What's up?" Aaradhya asked sitting beside her.

"Nothing much. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning," she told her.

"Tomorrow? Why? You promised to stay for a week," she said disappointed with the news she just received.

"My application is short-listed, Aaru. They liked my thesis. They called me to Mumbai for the interview," Siya told her friend showing her the email she received this morning.

"Wow! That's great. Congratulations. I am so happy for you," Aaradhya said excitedly hugging her.

The rest of the hours passed with the girls celebrating happily. Aaradhya was happy for Siya. Though she wanted her to stay a bit longer but the reason for her leaving was worth it. She was sure Siya was going to be selected there. She has worked so hard for all these years.

They decided to go shopping and eat outside to celebrate. Time flew and Aaradhya went to the hospital directly. At eleven she finally got the time to eat something, so she went to the canteen. She missed Pooja and Trisha a little. Their jokes made her laugh and relaxed for some time at least.

When she went to her office again, she found Abhi sitting there.

"Abhi?" she asked.

"Hii!" he smiled.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came here for a regular checkup," he told her.

"Regular checkup?" she asked confused.

"Yeah, I have a feeling there is something wrong with my heart. I want you to check if everything is alright," he said.

"Why? What happened?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing in particular. I just have a feeling that there is something wrong," he said casually.

"You must have felt something unusual to get that feeling, right? Any symptoms? Any discomfort?" she asked taking her seat.

"My heart beats," he said.

"Obviously, it does. That's why you are alive," she said.

"No. It beats faster sometimes," he told her.

"Like when?" she asked.

"Like when I run, or I panic or..."

"What's the matter with you? It's normal. Don't waste my time. I have other things to do," she said irritably.

"You treat your patients like this! I am very disappointed," he said.

"You are not a patient. Even a fifth-grade student knows it's normal for the heartbeats to increase when you run," she said.

"A fifth-grade student's heartbeat doesn't increase on seeing someone, does it? My heartbeat increases on seeing a particular person," he told her.

"Who is that particular person?" she asked.

"That's personal," he told her.

"Just get out of this room, now!" she said a little furious now.

"Aren't you going to prescribe any medicines?" he asked innocently. He was enjoying irritating her. It was always fun to watch her when she was furious. She looked more beautiful and hot this way.

"Stop looking at that particular person then," she told him taking out some files from her desk.

"I can't," he said.

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