Chapter 31: Movie Night

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Aaradhya was very thankful that Yuvraj took her to the orphanage. She enjoyed it there a lot. Teaching the kids, painting and playing with them helped her to escape her real life for a few hours. But now when she was again in her hostel room she could not help but think about Abhi. He was going to watch a movie with Ishita. Why? Just why? Didn't he say she was too clingy for his liking?

She has no right to judge him. She has no right to think about him. She has no rights on him at all. She never had. But she is a human. She has the right to feel jealous. And she cannot help it.

The next day, she found Abhi and Ishita talking near the stairs. She doesn't know how but her legs approached them.

"Hi, Ishita!" Aaradhya greeted and regretted it immediately. What was she even doing here? What was she supposed to say now?

"Hello," Ishita replied. Abhi just looked at her. She could not tell what was he thinking.

"How are you? It's been a long time since we talked," Aaradhya said whatever came into her mind. She was already feeling his gaze on her and she was regretting coming to them more and more with each passing second.

"I am good. Excellent you might say. We are going for a movie night today. So I am very excited about it," Ishita told her excitedly looking at Abhi.

"Oh great! Tanu and I were also thinking of having a movie night. Can we join you?" she asked. It was like her mouth had a mind of her own.

"Oh..... We could be late, you know. Your hostel gates will be closed by that time," Ishita said.

"That's not a problem. We will take the warden's permission," Aaradhya replied. What was she doing? She was forcefully inviting herself into their plans!

"Oh... Ok. Then be ready at six," Ishita said hesitantly and left.

Ishita wanted to spend some time with Abhi without his friends. But she just can't refuse Aaradhya directly. That girl has always been nice to her and from what she has observed she was close to Abhi. But for a few days, these two were not seen together, so why not take this chance to impress him? But looks like it's not gonna happen.

Aaradhya could feel Abhi's intense gaze on her. So she did what came to her mind. Without even looking at him she turned to leave but he caught her hand and stopped her.

"What was that?" he asked.

"Wh..... What was what?" she asked. What should she say? Why did she do that? She is herself unaware of the reason.

"Why do you want to join us? It was you who wanted to stay away from me then why this drama?" he asked.

"Join us? I made plans with Ishita. I did not know you were part of it," she said. Play dumb. Yeah, that's the safest option. He should not know that she wants to come with them because of him.

"You did not know I was going with them?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"No. How would I know that?" She asked.

"You knew Aaradhya, I know that. Stop this drama," he said.

He knows that she knows. She knows that he knows that she knows. Oh god! What the hell is going on? Why was she here, in the first place?

"I didn't know that. And I told you I don't want to talk to you. Please, stay away from me," with that, she took her hand out of his hand and ran towards the class.

What was she doing? Why was she doing this? She needs to visit a psychiatrist! She wants him to stay away from her. She also wants him to stay away from all the other girls. What was this toxic behaviour? She was doomed.

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