Chapter 14: Regret

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Regret. It's a small word but it carries the guilt of the whole world once you feel it. No one in the world has not felt this at some point in their life. May it be a small thing like buying expensive stuff and regretting it later or be it a big life decision, we all have felt it somewhere.

But what Abhi was feeling now cannot be expressed in words. Anger, mystery, regret, sadness, the need to kick someone, the need to reverse time and push Teena out of that scene. He doesn't know what he wants. He was lost in his thoughts when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. There stood Anuj looking worriedly at him. As soon as Abhi saw Anuj he engulfed him in a tight hug.

"It was meant for me. How will I ever repay her? What if something happens to her? What am I going to do?" asked Abhi almost breaking down. All this time he tried to be calm and composed but seeing Anuj he felt weak.

However strong we act, we need someone around whom we can break our guard. And that someone is the one whom we trust the most. And Anuj is the only one here around whom Abhi can cry, and feel weak.

"It's all gonna be alright. And that fucker is going to pay for this very badly. Come on, drink this first. You skipped your breakfast too." said Anuj forwarding a bottle of juice towards Abhi.

Yuvraj saw this exchange standing at the corner of the corridor. Abhi has made some really good friends. One took a blow for him, the other is here with juice and taking care of him. What has he made here? Bad reputation maybe. His friends ran away after the fight. None of them even called to check on him. They all were scared of the action that the authorities would take after taking Teena's statement. He was not afraid of that. He was just afraid for the girl. She should be alright. They can rusticate him if they want. But that girl should be perfectly fine. That's it!

"She is fine. We have stitched her forehead. The wound can leave a little scar on her forehead but other than that she will be all fine. Don't worry." the nurse informed Abhi. That boy was so tensed from the time he reached here with the girl. She wants him to relax a bit. The wound was not that serious anyways.

"Ok thank you very much! Can we see her now?" asked Abhi hopefully.

"No, she is sleeping. After two hours maybe, you can meet her. Till then her pain will be eased too." she answered and left.

"I should have been with you today. I am very sorry. If only I was with you the situation would have been different. I am sorry." said Anuj holding Abhi's hand.

"Please don't blame yourself now. I am already feeling very guilty. Thank god she is fine. We have exams in two days and I am wasting everyone's time." Abhi said feeling more guilty than he already was.

As they had their exams coming so many students were skipping classes to study for them. Abhu preferred to study in the library, so he came today. Most of the students were in their rooms studying hard. That's why Anuj was not with him today and that is the reason Aaradhya and Tanu know nothing about the incident till now.

As soon as he thought about Aaradhya and Tanu, he saw both of them running in his direction. As Tanu passed Yuvraj she stopped, gave a disgusting look to him and moved again. She wanted to slap him so badly now but this was not the place.

"Are you ok?" Aaradhya asked as she came near Abhi. She saw some small cuts on his face and hands but apart from it, there was nothing serious.

"I am fine," he answered not meeting her eyes. He knew she would blame him for everything. And he deserved it. He was prepared for it.

"And Teena?" she asked softly.

"She is fine. We can meet her after two hours. They have stitched her wounds." he answered again. His gaze was fixed on the floor.

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