Chapter 20; To Be Brave

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What does it mean to be brave? It has a different meaning for all of us. For Anuj, it was standing up for his mother. And this time he stood up. He doesn't know where he got this courage from but he was very confident. Maybe the trust his friends showed in him was one of the reasons. That is the thing about friendship, if you have the right circle of friends, you can win the world.

As Anuj reached his home he found his mother in a bad condition. Very bad he might say. She had a bandage on her forehead and various cuts on her face.
She looked terrible. His father has crossed the line this time.

"We are going to the police, now!" he told her.

"No, we are not. I have managed all these years with him. I can manage a few more." his mother answered not meeting his eyes.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? He will kill you one day if we don't stop him today. It's already very late, Ma. Please you need to give a statement against him." he tried to make her understand.

"What will society..." she tried to reason.

"Where the hell was this society when he was beating you till death? Where was it when you struggled to earn bread, complete the household task and raise me? Where was it, Ma. " he asked almost crying. But this was not the time to cry. He needs to be strong. He cannot become weak now.

"You'll have to choose one of us. If you don't come with me today to file a complaint against him, I'll never show my face to you in this life. I swear on you. You have five minutes to decide." he continued. Maybe a little emotional blackmailing will do. Teena said she will always choose him over his father.

"What are you saying? Please stop this all. He may be a bad husband but he was a good father, Anuj. Just recall what he did for you..." she reasoned again.

"He was a good father?"Anuj laughed.
"Yeah, he made my every night scary by abusing you. He did a lot for me. But I can't recall a single good thing from all that he did. " he said sitting near her legs. He took her hands in his hold gently.

"Trust me Ma. We will fight this. You just need to be a little brave. Please." he said gently.

There was a few minutes of silence. The only voice to be heard was his mother's sobbing.

"Let's do this. I am tired too. Let's go to the police. Now." she said smiling at him.

Anuj felt a huge sense of relief overpowering him. At least she was convinced. Rest all can be managed.

"Where do you think you are going with my son," came a spluttering voice. It was his father. He was drunk again. Anuj closed his eyes to calm his anger.

His father came in front of her mother to slap her. This time his hand did not reach her face, instead it was stopped mid-air in a tight grip.

"Don't even think of touching her again. The only thing stopping me from killing you now is her. Just move ten steps away from her. Now!" Anuj said angrily.

And the next second he was moving back throwing a disgusting look at her mother as if accusing her to create this rift between him and his son.

Anuj took her mother to the police station where they filed the complaint. Charges were filed against his father and he was arrested. Even the neighbours gave statements in Apurva's favour.
The next two days were spent searching for another house to rent for his mother and shifting the furniture. After his mother was well settled and fine, she asked Anuj to go back to college. She doesn't want him to disturb his studies more because of her.

During all this time, Abhi called him from time to time to check if he needed any help. Even Aaradhya called him to ask about his mother's health. She did not know the real reason for his visit but Abhi told them that his mother was not well so he went to visit her. Anuj told everything to Aaradhya and Tanu too. He felt a sense of guilt for lying to them. And everyone has been supporting him. He was so thankful for having such friends in his life.

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