Chapter 29: A mistake

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All of them were back to their normal schedule again. They had their first class in the morning where Aaradhya was successful in ignoring Abhi totally.

"What the hell is going on, Aaradhya?" Abhi asked grabbing her hand in a tight grip when he found her running down the stairs.

"No.... Nothing," she said slowly. How the hell will she explain to him, her condition? It's not like they were in a relationship officially. But she has to end whatever they have.

"Did I do anything wrong? Are you upset with me? Why were you not answering my messages?" he asked calmly.

She has to tell him. She doesn't want him to feel any guilt. He can hate her if he wants, but she will clearly tell him what she wants.

"Can we talk somewhere else?" she asked.

He nodded and they went to the secluded corner of the campus ground.

"What's the matter, Aaradhya?" Abhi asked again as they reached.

"I..... I don't know where to start. I don't want whatever is between us," she said slowly.

"What is between us?" he asked.

"I don't know. Whatever it is. Friendship, more than friendship or whatever it is, I don't want anything," she said looking down at the grasses.

"First of all, look at me when you are talking to me. And secondly, what happened? Did anyone say anything to you?" he asked. He knows about her family. He is confirmed they have said something to her. She was all fine a few days ago.

"My mother heard your name when I was talking to Tanu. She made me understand my mistake....." she said

"Mistake? Is being friends with me a mistake?" he asked bitterly.

"It has nothing to do with you, Abhi. Letting my emotions overcome me is a mistake. I don't want to hurt my family's feelings by doing anything they would not approve of," she said.

"Your family's feelings are all that matters? What about your feelings? What about my feelings?" he asked.

"I cannot oppose them," she said not meeting his eyes again.

"No one is asking you to oppose them. But can't you put up a fight for what you want?" he asked.

"I can't," she admitted.

"So, you are giving up before even fighting," he said.

"I can't fight them. I don't want to," she said.

"Fine. I promise I won't disturb you again. Not even as a friend because I can accept losers as my friend. At least they enter the battlefield but cowards who accept their defeat before even entering have no place in my life. Thanks for telling me who you are," he said and left.

It hurts. It hurts so badly. Those words were a tight slap to her. She was ashamed of how weak she was. But this is her. She has always been like this. She cannot change herself now. She was raised this way. She knew he would hate her after this but she didn't know this hate would be so heavy to carry. He called her a coward. She was a coward. But hearing him say this broke her. But she can't blame him. He was right. He has always been right. She deserved this. She deserves worse than this.

Abhi did not attend the next class. He went to his room directly. For the last few days, he was worried about her. He was thinking what wrong did he do that she was not replying but that was all because of her cowardness. He always stood with the right. He helped all his friends whenever they needed him. But he too wants someone to fight for him. Or at least fight with him. Aaradhya just gave up. Without any discussion, without even trying. That was his importance in her life. He wanted to hate her but he couldn't and he hated himself for that. But this was enough. He would not make a fool of himself by running after her anymore. She can do whatever she wants and he will do what he wants.

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