Chapter 44

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There was a small birthday celebration in the orphanage and everyone was busy enjoying their time with the children there. The smiles on the little children's faces were so bright and satisfying.

Tanu could not help but wonder how God was so unfair to them. No matter how many facilities the orphanage provides to them, they can never replace the loss these children face.

She heard a loud giggle from a small girl. Her eyes immediately shifted towards the direction of the sound. Yuvraj was playing with her and the girl looked so happy.

No matter how much of an asshole this man is but he is admirable. He has done so much for the orphanage. And is still doing whatever he can. Maybe the girl that he likes is not that unlucky. She wants to meet her. She wants to see who that girl is. He has bought a ring for her. He will propose to her soon and she may say yes.

And then they would have a 'happy ever after.'  She should be happy for him. He has helped her and her friends a lot in every difficult situation. But she is not. She can't keep lying to herself anymore. She wants that girl to reject him. But she doesn't want him to go through the pain of rejection. She is not sure what she wants.

Suddenly the environment was not light anymore. She felt suffocated. So she decided to go to the back garden for some time to get some fresh air.

"Where are you going?" Aaradhya asked when she saw Tanu getting up and leaving.

"I think I need some fresh air. I'll be back in ten minutes," Tanu said with a small smile failing miserably at it.

Aaradhya nodded and she left. Aaradhya has noticed this change in her behaviour over the last few days. She knows the reason. It is obvious that this girl likes Yuvraj. But she would never accept it. At first, Aaradhya was not sure about it but the day Tanu went to buy that ring confirmed her doubt. Her mood and attitude proved it. Earlier she used to think that Yuvraj likes her too but then he took Tanu to buy a ring for some other girl he likes.

But still, she feels he likes her. She wanted to give them space, that's why she never asked them. She doesn't want to force Tanu to talk to her on this matter. But she can't see her like this. So she stood and decided to talk to her now.

"Oh sorry," Yuvraj said when she bumped into Aaradhya.

"It's fine," she said going towards the back door.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Tanu is there. To call her," Aaradhya said.

"What is she doing there?" he asked.

"She needed some fresh air," she answered.

"Why? Is she alright? What happened?" he asked looking towards the back door.

"Why do you care?" Aaradhya asked.

"What?" he asked bewildered.

"Why do you care so much?" she asked again.

"I.. I.. She is my friend. What is this question?" he said.

"You are not a fool, Yuvraj. If I can feel she likes you, I am sure you can too. It's not necessary to like her back. But it was also not necessary to take her to buy a ring for the girl you like," Aaradhya said. She didn't want to. But she said it.

"Why? She said something about that day to you?" he asked.

"No. But anyone close to her can feel she is upset. Very upset. I thought you liked her too but..."

"You thought right. I like her," Yuvraj said stopping her.

"You what?" Aaradhya asked surprised.

"I like her. I wanted to buy a ring of her choice and that's why I took her with me," he said.

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