Chapter 7: A Favour

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All the students were sitting in their respective seats and talking to each other when a beautiful middle-aged woman entered the class. Some of them have heard about her before from seniors. She was the most friendly and awesome professor one can find.
"Hello everyone!! Myself Dr. Anjana Sharma. I will be teaching you Anatomy. I would like to welcome you all to our institute. So let's begin with everyone's introduction. I am sure you were not given time for this yesterday." She greeted them cheerfully.

And the next hour was spent listening to each student's introduction. As always Aaradhya was nervous to introduce herself in front of these many students. Although she has given speeches and done anchoring many times in school, she was not feeling confident enough. That was school and this was a university. It was very different.

"Hello everyone. Myself Abhimanyu Singh Rathod. Friends usually call me Abhi. I am from Delhi. And my hobbies include almost everything you can think of except reading novels and stuff like that. And yeah, I am pretty good at football. I was also the captain of my team in school. Thank you. " A confident voice brought her out of her thoughts.

He was the same boy from the canteen. He again gave his cute smile, looked briefly at her and walked back to his seat. She can see some of the girls already drooling over him. He was really a charmer. Whatever. She repeated her intro in her mind again. She doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of these many people.

Soon it was her turn. She got up quickly went to the front of the class and greeted everyone cheerfully.

"Good morning everyone! Myself Aaradhya Raghuvanshi. I am from Lucknow. I like to read novels and listen to music in my free time. Thank you. "
With that said she hurriedly went back to her seat. This was not that tough.

Soon the bell rang and everyone ran out of the class. Aaradhya and Tanu went to the canteen as according to Tanu, she would die if she did not eat something in the next five minutes.

As they entered, Tanu saw Abhi and his friend Anuj she guessed, near the counter. She immediately moved towards him and dragged Aaradhya along with her.

"Hiii!! You are Abhi, right? I have wanted to meet you since yesterday. I am Tanu, you must have seen me today in class. Can you tell me the procedure to apply for any part-time job here? I really wanna do it. How did you get one?" She said in one go.

Aaradhya's eyes widened. She tried to stop her but who can stop Tanu when she was talking? Aaradhya was going to tell her about the misunderstanding today but she had no idea that Tanu would find Abhi and ask such questions from him.

"Part-time job? You do a part-time job here? Why didn't you tell me?" asked a confused and hurt Anuj.

"Because I myself don't know about one." replied a confused Abhi. His eyes wandered from Tanu to Aaradhya.

"What? You work here as a waiter, don't you?" asked now a confused Tanu.

Abhi's eyes snapped towards Aaradhya. He did not say anything but Aaradhya can feel her cheeks turning red already. She needs to clear all this up.

She cleared her throat and said" No Tanu. It was a misunderstanding. He was just helping me yesterday. And I am really sorry. Just take this money and finish all this." she said turning towards Abhi.

"You both assumed he was a waiter. Why didn't you tell me anything." asked a laughing Anuj.

Abhi rolled his eyes. "There was nothing to tell in that. It was just a small misunderstanding. And keep the money. I already told you to consider it my treat."

"I can't. We don't even know each other. It cannot just consider it a treat. Please take this. Consider it my apology for all this." Aaradhya pleaded.

"Who said I don't know you? Aaradhya Raghuvanshi from Lucknow. Your hobbies are reading novels and stuff. See I know you."

"I said all that in my intro today. You don't know me personally."

"You want me to know you personally." He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"What? No." Aaradhya's eyes widened.

"Then keep the money. If not a treat, consider it a favour and return it when needed. "

"But.." as Aaradhya was going to argue again she was interrupted by Tanu.

"No Ifs, no buts," she said taking money in front of Aaradhya. "Give the money to me. I am going to order something for myself. Do you guys want something?" she said looking at the three of them.

"No thanks. We already ordered," replied Anuj. At the same time, their order arrived. Abhi looked at Aaradhya one last time then picked up his coffee and went after Anuj.

"You did what!!" shouted a laughing Avni (Aaradhya's sister) in front of the other side of the phone.

Aaradhya winced removing her mobile from her ear. "Don't shout! And I told you that was a misunderstanding. And just delete Tanu's number from your mobile." She said glaring at Tanu who was laughing too.

"Why? Looks like someone is jealous of our friendship" teased Avni.
"But seriously dii you are one of a kind. That whole incident was hilarious. I'll have to go now. Byee. And you are going to be teased about this all your life, remember that. Thanks to Tanu Di who told me all this. Ok bye!" With that, the call was cut.

Yeah, she knows she will be teased about this. But not for my whole life. Just for a few days, then everyone will just forget this incident too. And as Abhi has declined to take his money back so she has decided to let it go. He is rich anyway. 120 rupees don't matter that much to him. So from now she just has to maintain her safe distance from him. All other things are sorted.

But little did she know that things were going to become unsorted from now on.

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