Chapter 64

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It was past midnight when Abhi heard his doorbell. Who might be here at this time? Is Aaradhya's father back? Has he changed his mind? Or is he here to murder him or something? Abhi's mind ran in different directions before he got up to open the door.

Much to his relief Aaradhya was standing outside his door, looking impatient.

"What took you so long...." her voice stopped when he suddenly yanked her inside his apartment.

In a second the door was closed and she was caged between it and Abhi.
"You look so hot when you take a stand for me," Abhi said gently caressing her cheek.

"I am here to talk about something serious," she said pushing him slightly.

"That can wait," Abhi said bending slightly and moving towards her lips, his eyes looking into hers directly, seeking permission. She closed her eyes and connected their lips.

That's the thing she likes about him a lot. No matter how many times they have made out in the past, each time he makes sure that she is comfortable, that she wants it as much as he wants it. How can someone not love this man?

After a few minutes, they separated. Aaradhya buried her face in his chest to hide the dark red colour that must have appeared on her face. And after a few more minutes, she remembered the reason for her sudden visit and reluctantly moved away.

"What did Papa say?" she asked.

"Did he not tell you anything?" he asked.

"No. He just asked me to pack my things and take leave for some time. And rest things will be discussed in Lucknow," she told him.

"So you packed all your things?" he asked.

"No. I won't go unless he promises to give us a chance. He already looked so exhausted today so I did not say anything further. But I am just not going to leave everything here and move back to Lucknow."

"He asked me to bring my parents to meet him there. And my father should apologise too..."

"He asked you to bring your parents to meet him?" Aaradhya asked, pleasantly surprised.

"Yeah," Abhi smiled.

"Why did he not tell me about that then? I was so worried all this time. When I made sure he was asleep then only I came here," she told Abhi feeling much relieved now. This means her father is ready to give them a chance. She cannot ask for anything more.

"Will your fath....father apo....apologise?" she asked hesitantly.

"I don't know. I'll have to talk to my family now. But don't worry I'll make sure everything goes well now," he said assuring her. He is not sure about his father's reaction but knowing how much his ego means to him, he knows that convincing him is going to be a tough job.

"Abhimaan Bhai will help you, right?" Aaradhya asked. She knows that Abhi is the closest to his elder brother. He is a father figure to him though he is only three years older than him.

"He will. He always does. Last time he was the one because of whom Dad backed down..."

"Does....does he hate me?" Aaradhya asked in a slow voice. She is the reason Abhimaan's younger brother changed countries, she is the reason he doesn't live with his family, anymore, he has all the right to hate her. But she doesn't want that. Though she has never met him, she respects him a lot.

"Why would he?" Abhi asked.

"Why would he not? Don't get me started with the list," she said.

"Then he might hate you. Now when I recall, he doesn't even want to listen to your name..." he said but stopped when he saw the expression on her face.

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