Chapter 25: Inside the mansion

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All the six friends standing at a distance from the mansion were feeling mixed emotions. Worry, excitement, fear, nervousness, anger but they all were determined. Determined to help their friend inside the mansion.

"What will you do to divert their attention," asked Anuj from Dev pointing towards the two guards standing in front of the main gate.

"Watch me," he said with confidence and walked towards the gate.

They all stood behind the big tree and watched him walking confidently towards them.

"Hello," he said reaching them. They both looked at him.

"Yes?" one of them asked.

"Do you want to double your money in a few seconds," he asked them.

"What? How?" the other one asked. The first one looked suspicious though.

"I am a magician. I know a trick. I have been performing this for the past few years," Dev told them.

"No we don't want anything like that, it's our working time so just leave," the first guard said.
Why the hell was he so smart? Dev did not lose hope. The second guard seemed interested.

"Ok, as you wish," he said looking at him and then turned towards the second.

"You want to try?" he asked him.

"Yes, I think I will give it a chance," he said.

"What rubbish? You believe such things?" the first one asked.

"I do. I have seen such things in my village. If you don't want to try then it's your wish. But I will. I mean what's the harm in trying it once," the second guard said.

"Ok, do as you wish," the first one said taking his previous position.

"So how will you make my money double?" the second one asked excitedly.

"Take out your wallet first," Dev said.
The guard immediately took out his wallet and handed him.

"Good. Now I am going to perform the magic. The money in your wallet will be doubled. But remember I can only perform it once a day. So are you sure you don't wanna try it?" he asked from the first guard trying his luck again.

The first guard looked hesitant. But his friend was right, what is the harm in trying it once? Either his money will be doubled or it will remain the same. So there is no loss in trying. He hesitantly took out his wallet and handed it to Dev.

"Do whatever you want but just be fast. We do not want Sir to catch us doing something like this," he said referring to his boss.

"Don't worry. I will be as fast as light," Dev smiled.
"So ready?" he asked them. They both nodded.
"Open your eyes when I say 3," he said. They both closed their eyes.
Dev looked at the surrounding. He looked in the opposite direction his friends were standing. It was dark and only one or two people were passing by.
"One, two and three," he said running on the opposite side of his friends.

"Hey, stop!" the guards shouted running behind him.

Meanwhile, the rest of them took this opportunity to enter the main gate. God knows how would Dev come out of this situation.

"Oh wow! It's so beautiful," Tanu exclaimed looking around the garden.

"It is," said Aaradhya looking impressed by the view in front of her.

"If your appreciation is over, can we move ahead," Anuj asked irritated. He does not want to appreciate anything related to that bastard.

"Sorry," they said moving to the front gate. The gate was opened! How were they so lucky? Abhi and Yuvraj led the way. Abhi peeked inside the door quietly. No one was seen there. He signalled everyone to enter.

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