Chapter 22: Choose Her

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Sometimes all we need is some time alone with ourselves to figure things out. Aaradhya needed the same. She just wished not to come across anyone whom she knows as she made her way to the small and beautiful temple just outside her campus.

There were very few people there. She sat in a secluded corner and cried her eyes out. How can she be so foolish? What was she even thinking? A charming boy like Abhi can never like her. There were so many beautiful girls there. Why would he even look at her? She has been so reserved all her life, and for the first time, she let her guard down. She tried to go with the flow but that was all a lie. They all must be laughing behind her back.

After crying for god knows how long, she gathered herself. She will not cry anymore. Not for someone who doesn't deserve her precious tears. She has cleared the toughest exam in the country and is studying at one of the best universities. She has a bright future ahead, her parents are proud of her. She won't let all this happiness turn into sadness just because of one incident. She won't. This was the last time she cried for him. She'll enjoy her college life and ignore him like he never existed. With this determination, she made her way out of the temple.

As she reached the gates, she found Dev entering. Not now! She doesn't want to talk to anyone.

"Hii Aaradhya!" he said smiling.

"Hii!" she tried to smile. But her red eyes and nose were enough to tell anyone she has cried.

"What happened? Were you crying? Is everything alright?" he asked.

"I am perfectly fine. I was just feeling a little homesick," she replied not meeting his eyes.

"Don't lie, Aaradhya! Did anyone say anything to you? You can tell me," he said.

"There is nothing to tell, believe me," she answered.

"Ok, as you wish. Come let's have some tea then. And I am not taking no for an answer," he said letting go of the reason that made her cry. If she is not comfortable telling him, he can't force her.

"Yeah, I need one," she smiled. She is getting a headache now, from all the crying she did.

They walked in silence as they reached the tea stall. The same tea stall which Abhi has introduced to her. She was busy in her thoughts as Dev kept a hot cup in front of her. She slowly sipped it. Dev hated to see her like that.

She was never this quiet with him. She always had some stories or incidents to tell.
He doesn't know when he started to like her. He knew even before falling for her that she was never meant to be his. He tried hard not to like her, not to fall for her but he failed. He failed very miserably. Somewhere, he knows she likes Abhi. That man was lucky. Dev even tried to confess once but then decided against it. He does not want to lose his friendship with her. So he decided to bury his feelings deep inside and never think of them again.

"Want more?" he asked when she finished her cup.

"No, I'll just go to my room now," she said standing up.

"Ok, let's go," he said following her.

She was very thankful that Tanu was not back yet. If Dev could tell she was off, Tanu would obviously notice it. And she will not stop before knowing the real reason. She doesn't want others' friendships to be affected because of her. Abhi was a great friend. And god knows what Tanu would do after knowing about the bet. So she decided not to tell anything to anyone.

It was 8:30 p.m. when Tanu came back. She looked tired.

"That son of a bitch! He made me do all that boring work alone. May he rot in hell," Tanu said as she entered.

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