Chapter 58

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Abhi knew going close to Aaradhya again was going to hurt him. He knew it and yet he did it. He again let his guard down. And as expected he got heartbroken again.

When Pritam told him she was going to meet another man for a marriage proposal, he did not believe it initially. He went to meet her the next day and accused her. She did not deny his accusations. She was ashamed to meet his eyes. That means it was true.

She had the right to move on. She has to move on. But why was he unable to do the same? Why can't he bring himself to like any other girl who is not Aaradhya? Why did he even meet her again here? He was lost in his thoughts when his phone beeped with notifications.

He unlocked his phone and opened WhatsApp. The group that Pooja created for the hospital members was flooded with messages. He opened the chat and found everyone congratulating Aaradhya for getting her marriage fixed.

His heart felt heavy again. Is her marriage fixed already? Is she going to marry someone else? How easy was it for her to move on? He threw his phone on the bed and lay there silently not believing it. He would ask her tomorrow in person. But he was afraid of knowing the truth. He tried to sleep but just kept thinking about her the whole night.

The next day he again found himself in front of her office. She was busy with her patients so he did not get time to talk to her. He decided to meet her during the lunch break.

He found her sitting with Pooja and Trisha drinking tea in the canteen during lunch.

"Hii!" he said approaching them.

"Hii Dr Abhimanyu! Come and meet our to-be bride," Dr Pooja said excitedly.

"Congratulations," he forced himself to say when he sat across her.

"Thanks," she murmured.

Aaradhya was irritated to the core now. She just told Pooja everything went well, and this woman got crazy. She congratulated her on the hospital group. Everyone else also thinks she is going to get married in a few months. Aaradhya didn't try to clear the misunderstanding too. Because she doesn't care what they think. She just needs to leave this place after two months. And she is never going to return here.

But the thought of Abhi thinking that her marriage is fixed with some other man was discomforting. But maybe this was for the best. He will maintain his distance from her after knowing this and will move on himself. Let him think that too. She has been very selfish in the past but not anymore. Let him hate her if this makes him move on from her. Aaradhya has applied for the night shift from tomorrow too. In this way, her interaction with him will be negligible or almost null. And then she will leave for the best.

Soon they all got busy with their work again. In the evening as she opened the door of her office to leave she found Abhi was about to enter. At the sudden encounter, she lost her balance but Abhi stopped her from falling.

"We need to talk," he said not taking his hand away from her waist.

"About what?" she asked trying to create distance between them.

"About the man you are about to get married to,"  he said tightening his hold on her not letting her move away.

"Leave me, Abhi! I don't want to talk about anything with you. Thanks, for everything you did for me and sorry for everything I did to you," she said pushing him. He let her go this time.

"Who is that man? What is his name? Did you know him from before?" he asked.

"I am not bound to tell you that. Accept the fact that I am going to be someone's wife in a few months and stay away from me. I hope you get someone you deserve in your life," she said moving past him exiting the room.

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