Chapter 48

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Abhi tapped his foot anxiously as he stood outside his father's office room in their house. He has never been close to his father. They barely talk. When Abhi was a child, he used to crave his father's attention. His father was always busy. Always. And slowly his craze for his attention vanished. Now he doesn't want to talk to him. Or maybe he doesn't know what to talk to him. His father has tried to start a conversation with him many times. Maybe he wanted to make up for the past but it's too late now. At least, that's what Abhi thinks.

But Abhi's big brother, Abhimaan was always present for him. He never complained about their father's absence from their life to make money. Instead, he made Abhi understand its importance.

Abhimaan was a successful lawyer now. Everyone was proud of him. Everyone except his father. None of his sons were interested in business. He wanted Abhimaan to take responsibility for the business after him. And guess what, the cons of being the eldest child is you have to be responsible. And so Abhimaan has decided to give up on his career to help his father in business. He just wanted to live his dream for a few years before joining him. So two years from now, he will give up on law and join his father's office.

And Abhi hated this. He can never think of giving up on his dream just to fulfil his father's wish. But his brother won't listen. Once he made up his mind for anything, it's almost impossible to change it. But he still has two years, maybe he would change his mind. Maybe.

Coming out of his thoughts, he finally knocked on the door and entered after getting permission.

"Abhi? What did I do to deserve your presence here?" his father asked surprised.

"Can't I come here to talk to you?" Abhi asked.

"Of course, you can. Come, sit," his father smiled.

"Uh... So... So.. How are you?" Abhi asked awkwardly. He cannot just ask about work directly. He just wants to get out of this room. He never thought it would be so awkward talking to his father. But it's because of Aaradhya. He can do this much for her.

"I am good. You? How are your studies going on?" he asked.

"Fine," he answered.

"So anything new?" his father asked after two minutes of uncomfortable silence.

"No nothing new. So how's work going on? Anything new with business?" Abhi asked finally.

"You are asking about business? Wow! I am pleasantly surprised," he smiled.

"Yeah, I just thought...."

"Well, everything is fantastic. We are even thinking of entering construction now. The profit there is incomparable," he told his son.

"Construction? What's the need? Aren't we earning enough profit in textiles?" Abhi asked. He had an idea that the Arvind Singh Rathod, Aaradhya was talking about his father but after confirming it a different type of feeling was consuming his heart.

"There is nothing like 'enough profit' in business, son. We can always make more," his father smiled.

"What's the need? Bhaiya doesn't even want to join you in the future. Why are you burdening him and yourself," Abhi argued.

"Let Abhimaan speak for himself. You don't need to speak on his behalf. We already had enough discussion on that topic. He is ready. What's your problem?" his father said irritated now.

"OK! Then enter the construction industry. But honestly. Without your wicked and cruel ways. Without destroying others livelihood," Abhi said finally.

"What are you talking about?" his father asked.

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