Chapter 45

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"I am telling you for the last time Aaradhya. Drink it," Abhi said in a very serious tone.

"I will not," she said in the same tone.

"What the hell is your problem, woman? Why can't you listen to me just once," he said irritated.

"The same problem you have when I ask you to listen to me, just once," she said.

"Oh god! I said I am sorry, ok. I will rest for the entire week now," he said with a sigh.

"Yeah, like I would believe you now," she said looking back in her book.

"I didn't know you were this stubborn. Drop the attitude and drink this. I don't know why you are this careless towards your health," he said.

"Oh please! Don't preach to me about health and all. The doctor told you to rest for a week, Abhi. And you were on the football ground that evening itself. Seriously? You cannot wait to play that idiotic game for a week?" she said, disappointment clear in her words.

"Ok, I am sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry! You know Aaradhya, your haemoglobin is always low. You need to drink and eat healthy. Drink this beetroot juice, please. I promise I will do whatever you say after that," he said in a pleading tone.

"I don't like the taste," she said looking at him finally.

"See, I knew it. Even if I had not gone to the ground, you would have shown the same tantrums. Just drink it, Aaradhya. " he said, the seriousness in his voice returning.

"What will I get in return?" she asked.

"I just told you I'll do whatever you ask me to," he said.

"Like you have any other option," she rolled her eyes.

"I can give you many other rewards, you know," he said smiling mischievously moving closer to her.

Her eyes widened, pink colour covering her cheeks instantly. She moved a little away from him.

"What happened? Don't you want something in return?" he asked smiling.

"I want you to remove this weird painting, that's it," she said quickly.

"It's modern art," he told her again, this would be the thousandth time he was telling her about this painting.

"I don't care. It's scary. Every time I enter your flat, this is the first thing I see and it scares me every time," she said.

"Fine," Abhi sighed and went to remove the photo finally.

Time has flown quickly. It was their final year in the university. Abhi moved from the hostel room to his flat in the fourth year. Anuj still lived in the hostel. Teena also shifted to the girls' hostel in the third year. The cost of living there was much cheaper than living alone in a flat. She did not want to burden her mother with her expenses. She will graduate this year and will earn for herself and her mother. Her parents were not divorced but they did not live together anymore. And her life was much more peaceful this way. Yuvraj graduated last year and was working in the University hospital while preparing for masters. He would have taken admission immediately but he wanted to wait for Tanu so that they can take admission together wherever they get selected. Moreover, he wanted to test the skills he has learned till now before learning others.

Currently, Aaradhya came to visit Abhi in his flat because he has not been feeling well for the last few days due to their hectic schedule. Becoming a doctor is a very tough process, after all. But instead of taking a rest, he was seen on the ground, the previous evening.

Their relationship flourished through these years. Their friends often said these two fight like husband and wife. She cannot imagine her life without him ever. 

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