Chapter 18: New Feelings

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Holidays have a special place in everyone's heart, especially students. We always crave that one Sunday when we get to sleep a little more, eat something special or go out with our parents to watch a movie and take a rest from our hectic week life.

For Aaradhya holidays meant sleep. At home, she was not allowed to sleep after 10 in the morning at any cost. But now when she was in the hostel who's gonna stop her? There were some sessions kept for the final-year students, so all the other year students were getting a two days holiday and the third day was Sunday. Three freaking days! She has made up her mind that she is gonna complete her sleep which she sacrificed because of her exams. And last night she got her periods too, so she was very happy about the timing of her holidays.

She was sleeping peacefully when her phone rang for the third time now. She picked up this time, without even checking the name of the person calling her.

"Hello, Aaradhya? Why were you not picking up my calls." came an irritated voice.

"Hmm?" she said in a very sleepy voice.

"Are you still sleeping?" came the voice again.

"Hmmm," she said.

"It's 10.30 Aaradhya. Get up! I am coming in front of your hostel in fifteen minutes. Freshen up fast." said Abhi.

"hmm hmm," she said and hung up.

After some time her phone started ringing again. She again picked it up. This time she checked the caller id. Abhi! Why is he calling her so early in the morning?

"Hello?" she asked.

"I am outside. Come." Abhi said.

"Outside? Where?" she asked confusedly.

"Outside your hostel, Aaradhya"

"My hostel? Why?" she asked in a panicked tone.

"I can't believe it. I called you just fifteen minutes ago and told you I was coming. You slept again? "

"I don't know. I was sleeping. Why are you here this early in the morning?"

"Morning? Just talk for a few more minutes and it would be afternoon."

"So what? We have three days off. Let me sleep."

"You want me to climb to your balcony?"

"What? No!" she said getting up to sit.

"Good. So come in front of your hostel gate as fast as you can." with that he hung up.

After fifteen minutes Aaradhya found herself in front of Abhi. He was carrying a few papers and a bag.

"What?"  she said stopping in front of him. She was wearing a simple T-shirt and pyjamas. It was a simple outfit. Very simple. But he found his eyes observing her very carefully. How was she so simple and beautiful?

"Abhi? What happened?" she asked again.

He cleared his throat and shifted his focus to the papers he was carrying in his hands.

"These are your reports. You have iron deficiency. Your haemoglobin is 7 Aaradhya! 7! Do you understand this? How can you be so careless? You can never be a good doctor if you are this irresponsible patient. You did not go to collect your reports too." he saw her looking at him with glossy eyes.
"Aren't you going to say something?" he asked.

What should she say? Why is he scolding her if she is not well? It's not like she purposely entered her body and created iron deficiency there. She felt like crying. She is already having her periods and here, he is scolding her for something she did not do intentionally.

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