Chapter 26: Dilemma

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It would be a lie if Teena denies that she was not moved by the fact that all her friends were here to ensure that she was safe, just because her phone was switched off for the last few hours. But she has to confront them and stop them from doing anything against Ansh for their good. They don't know how dangerous he can be and she does not want them to be in any difficulty because of her. It's her life, her problem and she will handle them herself.

"What the hell Mom! Ok fine. I'll come tomorrow," she heard Ansh speaking to his mother on the phone. He looked frustrated.

"Wha.... What happened?" she asked slowly when he threw his phone on the bed angrily.

"Mom wants me to return tomorrow morning. You know how superstitious she is. She will take me to Guruji to match our stars or whatever," he said.

"Oh," she said. He would leave in the morning. That means he would not be here! That means she does not have to spend her weekends with him! Her heart did a happy dance but she controlled herself from smiling.

"I think I should leave now," she said.

"I would have dropped you myself but Mom asked me to stay away..." he stopped whatever he was saying.
"Anyways, Girju will drop you," he said.

"Ok," she said following him.

Once she was on the road looking out the window it hit her. What if his mother breaks off this arrangement? They would not invest in her father's company. Her parents will blame her, again. They would think she has been a bad omen since her birth. Shit! Shit! Shit! This was her chance to help her parents and yet again she was going to disappoint them.


They all were afraid to face Teena the next day, especially Aaradhya and Tanu. Last night she did not look mad but she did not look happy either. They all just wish she was not upset with them.

"She is sitting alone there. Should we go and talk to her?" Tanu asked Aaradhya pointing towards Teena who was sitting on the ground reading something.

"Do we have a choice?" Aaradhya sighed walking towards her. Tanu followed immediately.

"Teena," Tanu called reaching her.

"I don't wanna talk. Leave," she answered not looking up from her book.

"Teena please, we are sorry. We told them because we had no other way to help you," Aaradhya said.

"Seriously Aaru! My personal life is what? A joke to you all? Did I ask for help? Didn't I tell you I would deal with it myself? Do you know his mother called him back? What if they break the arrangement?" Teena said.

"Seriously? It worked! That's what we all wanted," Tanu said relieved that there were chances that the crap they said last night can actually work!

"Who will invest in my father's company? You all don't understand. My father is so stressed because of the loss his company is facing. We need...." she said.

"My father will. I will ask him to. Don't worry!" Abhi said joining them.

"Don't pity me guys! Please! I don't want that. I was fine with the way things were going. I had accepted my fate. There was no need to screw that all. I just wish his mother does not take those things seriously," she said getting up and leaving the place.

"What the hell is wrong with her? Who can help her if she wants to destroy her life herself?" said Tanu angrily leaving as well.

"Don't worry. I'll talk to her. It's a difficult time for her. But she will understand us, sooner or later." Abhi said looking at Aaradhya. She smiled. She trusts him. She just wishes for her to understand them when they still have time.

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