Chapter 51

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"I don't believe it. You are suffering from heart arrhythmia and you can still not quit smoking," Aaradhya said in a disappointed voice to the patient sitting in front of her.

"I am tired of asking him to stop. I begged him to stop. But he just won't listen," his wife added.

"Can I talk to him personally?" Aaradhya asked looking at his wife. She nodded and left.

"I can't help it. I tried. But it's a habit now," he mumbled slowly.

"Do you want to see your children growing or not? Look, Palkesh, it's just not only about your life but three other lives depend on you too. I am going to prescribe you some medicines, take them, they will help you control it. But please, you are a heart patient. Don't be this careless towards your health and your family's future," she tried to make him understand. But she had a little hope it would work. But still, she tried.

"I will try, Doctor," he said looking down ashamed.

It has been nine months since she joined Sanjivani Hospital. The work atmosphere was good. Her colleagues were nice to her. Her pay was satisfactory. For the initial six months, she worked under Dr Dalmia and she was highly impressed by him. He was in his early sixties but no one could tell that looking at him. The grace with which he performed every surgery left her stunned. She learnt a lot from him and was still learning. He was a jolly man, strict at times and considered her as his daughter. All together life was good. Almost good.

But there was a certain void in it which needed to be filled. Abhi was still in the US. Teena told her that. Tanu and Yuvraj have bought their apartment in Mumbai and were in a live-in. She was happy for them. Tanu's parents liked Yuvraj. They both still fight like a cat and mouse most of the time but the love they carry for each other is incomparable. Yuvraj's father was not so happy because Tanu's family was not some multi-millionaire like them. But he didn't care. Never once he left her side, doubted his decision.

She wished she had the courage like Yuvraj. To go against everyone to be with her love. But again, Yuvraj was never really close with his father. He considered him to be the reason for his mother's suicide. But in her case, her family has always supported her. Why was she even thinking about all this now? Even if her family agrees, Abhi won't. He deserves better. He deserves someone braver.

"Dr Dalmia called you in the emergency room. It's a case of severe cardiac arrest," a ward boy told her. She nodded and exited her room.

After three hours of surgery, they were able to save the old woman. Aaradhya sighed relieved and went to meet the patient's family.

"She is alright. You need to take some precautions. One of you can come to my room. I'll talk to you there," she said.

"My son is coming," a man in his late fifties said and she turned to look at his son.

"Pritam?" she asked.

"Aaradhya?" he said at the same time.

"You know her?" his father asked.

"Yeah, she was Abhi's classmate," he told his father. Aaradhya stiffened at the mention of his name. Pritam was Abhi's childhood friend. He has visited Abhi once or twice during their graduation. She met him there. He was a fun-loving guy. But now she knows he must hate her. Anuj was Abhi's friend just for a few years but was so pissed at her, she cannot think about the amount of hatred Pritam must carry for her.

"This way," she directed him towards her room. Her personal life can wait. Work comes first.

"So who are you to the patient?" she asked as she sat on her chair and Pritam occupied the seat across from the table in front of her.

"Her grandson," he replied.

"Ok. So I am prescribing some medicines...." she continued telling him everything that was needed.

"That's all," she said handing him some papers.

"Ok, thanks," he said but made no move to exit the office. They sat there in silence for two minutes.

"You want to ask something else?" she asked.

"Ye... Yeah. So how are you? And why are you here?" he asked.

"I am good. And isn't it obvious I work here, so I am here," she replied.

"No. I mean why in Delhi? Why not in your hometown? I am sure there are numerous hospitals there," he said.

"Dr Dalmia is a known name. He offered me to work under him. I could not let go of that opportunity. Though I don't need to give you the reasons for my choices in choosing the workplace," she replied curtly.

"Oh! Sorry for asking. I was just wondering... No problem. I'll take my leave now," he replied standing up and passing her a small smile.

She exhaled tiredly once he left. First, these hours-long surgeries then her personal life would not stop exhausting her. Her head was hurting now. So she decided to go to the canteen and have some tea.

As she sat on a chair and sipped on her tea, Dr Pooja Agarwal joined her. She was a nice lady to be friends with. She and Aaradhya have become good friends in the past few months. She was a child specialist.

"Did you hear about the new Neurologist that would be joining next week," she asked excitedly.

"No. Why are you so excited about his joining?" Aaradhya asked.

"Because Trisha told me she was in the office for some work and saw his photo. He is hot. Very hot," she said smiling.

"Good for you," Aaradhya said.

"May him be really hot, God. Please! Most of the doctors here are in their forties. Oh god! I really need someone young here," she said.

"You are engaged," Aaradhya reminded her.

"So? I am not going to jump on his bones and have sex with him as I see him. Just for some entertainment. And just to make my fiance a little bit jealous," she said.

Aaradhya laughed. Her fiance Karan was a doctor in some hospital in Noida. She has met him once. He is a nice man. She found her headache subsiding as Pooja went on telling her about the affairs of the Hollywood stars she read recently. She really needed a distraction and Pooja was the best person for it.


Abhimanyu stood outside the airport looking for his cab. He wanted to surprise his brother. His brother was getting married and Abhi wanted to be there for him on his big day. Though he has decided to settle in the US itself but recently he had a change of heart. It has been almost three years since all that drama, he has moved on successfully now. Or at least he thinks that.

He has decided to join a hospital in Delhi. And Sanjivani was one of the best. He applied there and was selected. He'll join from next week.

Sometimes he wonders where Aaradhya would be. None of his friends mention her whenever they talk and he never asks. He wanted to many times but then controlled himself. He doesn't want to go that way again.

The years he spent in the US were refreshing. He needed a change and he got it there. He did his best not to think of her ever and failed miserably. Three girls proposed to him there but he could not accept even one of them. He wanted to. He tried to. But who was he kidding? It was not easy to replace the position that Aaradhya held in his life once.

But now when his elder brother is getting married, he knows next would be his number. He'll marry anyone his mother chooses. That is his plan and he would do it. He missed this place very much and now when he is back he doesn't want anything but only some peace from the chaos.

Only if peace was so easy to find.

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