Chapter 30: Brotherly bond

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Why does God make us meet those people in life with whom we can't spend it? There are some people with whom our bond becomes very strong without even trying and then they leave us or we have to leave them.

Aaradhya has never felt so ignored in her entire life as she was feeling nowadays. One week has already passed since their return and she asked Abhi to finish whatever they have. He was a man of his word. He did not disturb her again. He did not even try talking to her or greeting her. He was normal with all others.

It looked like nothing happened to him at all. Here she was fighting to control her tears every time he passed by her, not even noticing her and he was chilling like there was nothing between them ever. But she can't blame him. She cannot expect him to cry for a coward. She lost a gem, it was her loss.

"What happened? Why are you running like this?" Aaradhya asked Tanu when she found her hurriedly walking to the medical room.

"A.. Abhi hurt his leg while playing football. I am going to him," Tanu replied hesitantly. She was not sure whether to tell Aaradhya about this or not.

"What?" Aaradhya shouted running towards the medical room leaving Tanu there.

"At least wait for me! I stopped because of you," Tanu said following her.

They entered the room. Abhi was resting on the bed with a bandage tied around his ankle. Anuj and Teena were sitting beside him.

He looked towards them. His eyes met hers. She could not tell what he was thinking. Then he moved his eyes to Tanu and smiled at her.

"How did this happen?" Tanu asked, moving towards the bed.

Aaradhya stood near the door. She was not sure whether to ask him how he was feeling or not.

"Ask her to leave," Abhi said to Tanu.

"She is here to see you, Abhi," Tanu said.

"Ok, ask her to sit here then. I'll leave the room," he said with no emotion in his voice.

"Abhi please, ....." Teena tried to argue but Aaradhya's voice stopped her.

"It's fine guys, I'll go," Aaradhya said giving them a weak smile and left.

This was what she wanted, right? To stay away from him. But when he was pushing her away himself why did it hurt so much? He was hurt badly by her behaviour. She has not seen him behave this rudely with anyone except for Yuvraj.

"Did they have to cut his leg?" Yuvraj asked sitting beside her on the bench.

"What? No!" she answered. Why would he think that? It was just a small crack. Why would they cut his leg?

"Then, why are you crying your eyes out?" he asked.

Aaradhya raised her hand to wipe her cheek. She did not even realise, she was crying till now.

"This has nothing to do with him," she said.

"Then who is responsible for this?" he asked.

"I am myself responsible for my tears," she said.

"If I tell you one thing will you judge me?" he asked.

She looked at him. She was not sure what he was saying. Why would she judge her for anything? And why he wants to tell her if he is afraid to be judged? Her eyes widened. Was he going to propose to her or something?

"Don't worry. I am not going to propose to you," he said smiling when he saw her expression. She was so easy to read.

"I.. I was not thinking that," she said embarrassed. What was she? A fairy from heaven? Why would anyone propose to her?

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