Chapter 5: Cold Coffee And Sandwiches

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We all, at some point in life, feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement at the same time. Today Aaradhya was feeling the same. She doesn't know whether she should be feeling terrified that it was the first day of college or she should be excited and happy because it was her first day at college. 

Tanu was not feeling any different either but she was trying to act cool because being nervous was not something she usually does.

They both woke up at 6 a.m. sharp, did their daily chores and got ready for college. Now they were standing outside their class where they reached with great difficulty. Without Tanu's help, Aaradhya thought she was going to be lost in this big building.

Only a few students were in class as there were 15 minutes still left for their first class to begin. They took the third row and sat together admiring the beauty of the building. Soon the teacher entered and they all got busy.


"It's 7:15 already! For god sake get up Abhi " shouted Anuj to a sleeping Abhi. He was trying to wake him up for the last 30 minutes but this man sleeps like a log.

Abhi's eyes opened instantly on hearing the timing. "What!! The class starts at 8 and you are waking me up now. I told you last night .. ...."

"Don't waste more time. Go and get ready and for your kind information, I was trying to wake you up from the last 30 minutes. It's not my fault that you sleep like a dead log."

"Oh sorry!  I don't usually sleep like that but I was tired from all the travelling and...."

"No explanations needed. We are getting late. Go and get ready fast."

Abhi nodded and rushed to the washroom. It was 7.55 when they both reached the classroom. Why can't these people put some direction boards or something like that? They had to ask at least 10 people about the direction of their class and some of them were 1st-year students themselves searching for it.

They entered from the back door and sat on the second last bench that was empty.
The strength of their class was supposed to be 200 but only about a hundred students were present today.

The teacher entered immediately after them and soon all the chattering and whispering stopped and their focus shifted towards their professor.


"What kind of nerdy teachers do we have!! " said Anuj dramatically. They had two 2-hour lectures and after a break of half an hour, they have to report in the dissection room.

"Seriously, I thought they would take our intro today but they directly started teaching. I can't believe this."

"I am tired. Bring a sandwich and a coffee for me." Anuj said taking a seat in the canteen.

"Yes, sir sure. Would you like to take anything more?" Abhi commented sarcastically.

"No thanks," Anuj smiled.

"Excuse me" a soft voice called him. Abhi turned to see who this was. He saw a girl sitting alone on a seat adjacent to them. He doubted if she was calling him.

"Excuse me" she called again waving at him. He saw this girl today in class, and he remembered now.

But why was she calling him? Maybe she wants to be friends with him or more..

He knows girls are usually attracted to him because of his money, looks and intelligence no doubt about that. But this girl does not seem to be the flirty type but appearances are usually deceptive. With a big grin, he moved towards her table.

"Two coffees and two sandwiches," Aaradhya said looking at him.

"What?" Abhi asked bewildered.

"2 coffees and two sandwiches for this table too." She said showing two fingers with her hand so he understands.

Now she is sure this waiter has some hearing problem. First, she had to call him three times now she has to repeat her order again and again.

"Please make it quick. I have a class to attend in like 20 minutes." She said a little loud so he can hear it.

Abhi was shocked was an understatement. Does she think he is a waiter here? Does he look like one? He was too embarrassed to tell her that he was a student like her and they were in the same class.

"Ok" were the only words he said and went to the counter to bring the snacks. Self-service was very clearly written there. Is this girl blind or what? he thought.

When he went back to serve her order, one other girl with curly hair was also sitting there. He kept the tray and immediately rushed out from there.

"Why did that boy bring our order?" asked Tanu.

"Obviously because he is the waiter here," said Aaradhya sipping her coffee. "Why are you asking?"

"What? Waiter? He doesn't look like one. And I have seen him in class today."

"He studies in our class? But I heard him taking orders from others, so I called him" said Aaradhya.
Now when she thinks about him he doesn't look like a waiter but he was taking orders from that boy and calling him sir.

"Oh! Then he must be doing a part-time job."

"Part-time job?" asked Aaradhya

"Yeah, rich kids these days do stuff like these to become cool. I will ask him how he got one. I will also do something like that." Tanu said excitedly.

"Do whatever you want but just finish this coffee first otherwise we will be late for the class," said Aaradhya hurriedly munching her sandwich.

"How much did this cost?" asked Tanu sipping her coffee.

"I haven't paid yet. That waiter did not bring the bill. I will ask at the counter."
Aaradhya hurriedly moved towards the food counter and asked for the bill. She was told that they take payment before giving the snacks and her payment was already done. That is when her eyes fell on the board written 'SELF SERVICE'. 

What did she just do? She treated one of her classmates as a waiter and that too on the first day of her class.

She needs to find him, return his money and apologise to him. But again why was he taking orders from that boy and calling him sir?

"Only 8 minutes are left. Come fast". Tanu brought her back from her thoughts and pulled her toward the dissection lab.

As she entered the lab her eyes searched for that boy and when she spotted him she found him already looking at her.

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