Chapter 1: ...and cut

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Welcome to Action! I have no intro prepared for you all and don't want to waste your time with a speech, so enjoy
Clay POV.

My lips crashed against the actresses as we filmed the wedding scene, with her wearing a stunning white dress and me wearing a dark blue tuxedo. “...and cut! That’s a wrap!” The director yelled, and I pulled away from the girl while we looked over at him. “Good job everybody,” he congratulated the cast and crew.

I let go of my embrace that I had on my costar, a beautiful blond woman called Cassie, and she smiled coyly as she brushed down her dress, both of us having done kiss scenes like this many times in the past so we were past the awkwardness of it all. The two of us just looked over at each other before breaking out in a fit of laughter with no explanation.

“You are a good kisser,” Cassie said half-heartedly as the two of us walked over to the dressing room so we could get changed out of our wedding clothes.
“Yeah, you might want to get used to it, knowing how many times we have to retake scenes, you might have to kiss me a dozen other times this week.” I joked back, causing her to laugh again.

“Well, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend then? To make use of your kissing skills.” She questioned, her British accent pushing through a lot further as she did. I shook my head, causing her to give a light pout. "Aww, why?"
“I’ve just never had time.” I shrugged. “I always have to travel to film things and I don’t think it’ll be fair on them to come with me, or to stay without me.” I explained.

“That’s a shame.” She hummed before getting called away by one of the make-up artists who wanted to talk to her. “Well I’ll see you around Clay,” she smiled. “Either we’ll be back on set to refilm some scenes or we’ll meet up for interviews before it premieres.”

I responded with a goodbye before heading over to the man in charge of my costumes, a guy called Eret, and he helped me take off my wedding suit. “You did great Clay,” he smiled as he hung up my jacket after I took it off. I’d grown insensitive to designers seeing me change so I didn’t really care, but I thanked him for the compliment.

“So are you going back home before the premiere?” He continued to question, helping me to take off the tie which had been pinned in place so it didn’t move.
“What’s the point?” I questioned, throwing my arms out exasperatingly.

“I have no reason to go back to Florida before the premiere.” I explained. “My family is all too busy to see me, and my friends are all here to film with me. So I might as well stay here in the UK and see the sights for a couple of months.”

“You don’t sound too excited about it.” The brunette commented as he handed me my shirt after I’d taken off what I was wearing.
“Well it’s been miserable every day this month.” The grumble fell from my lips, “and I have to go to the charity auction in a couple of days which sounds boring as hell.”

“You sound like you need a drink.” Eret laughed, making me roll my eyes before nodding in agreement, since honestly I could use a beer or something else that’s strong enough to make me forget my complaints. “I know this nice bar that serves good drinks, and good food to go along with it.” He explained while scribbling something down on a piece of paper.

“Plus,” he continued, handing me the piece of paper. “It is usually quiet, especially on Tuesdays, meaning that there won’t be any paparazzi or anything following you around.”
“That honestly sounds great.” I said with a grin. “Thank you Eret.”

“You are welcome.” He glanced at his watch before smiling at me. “I would go with you, but I have dinner plans with friends.” I brushed off his apology, telling him that it was fine, especially since I usually liked to drink in silence. We fell into conversation for a couple of minutes while I finished getting changed, then I thanked him before leaving.

My best friend was waiting for me at my trailer and I smiled as I saw him. “Hey Sapnap,” I greeted him. “How has your day been?”
“Good, I didn't have to film any scenes today so I went shopping downtown with Karl before he had to go off and film an episode of his show.”

I nodded at my friend. He was dating a television personality who was on a game show, and each season was filmed in a different place. It was quite lucky that this season was being filmed in the UK so they could spend time together. “Are you meeting up with Karl later or do you want to come to a bar with me?” I questioned.

Sapnap nodded his head. “Karl’s out filming another episode, and I could use a drink. But I want to be back by eight since that’s when he gets home and I am going to set up something special for him.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be back by then.” I reassured while grabbing my keys and moving to the door.

“Good.” Was all he responded with as we jogged over to where I parked my car in the cold afternoon. There was a huge contrast from inside the film studio and outside, since we had just been filming a Summer wedding on the beach, however it was the middle of January. We were both in a rush to get out of the cold as soon as possible.

The streets were busy at this time of night, and after I put the address in the GPS sent us through all of the main streets which were bursting with traffic. It took us thirty minutes to get out of downtown, and then the traffic sped up. We followed the directions and eventually reached and eventually stopped outside of a bar called the Kinoko Cavern.

“This place looks cosy,” Sapnap stated as he climbed out of the passenger seat. “It seems quiet and out of the way.”
“And that means that there won’t be any paparazzi ready to snap photos whenever we do anything in public.” I added on as we opened the door and stepped inside.

There were only a half dozen people inside, and most of them seemed too drunk to realise who we were. Only the bartenders looked over at us when we entered, both were brunettes with one being over six foot, and the other seeming half a foot shorter than him. The taller of the two’s eyes widened, clearly recognising us but the shorter one seemed unfazed.

“Hey there,” the shorter brunette greeted as he walked over to us once we sat down. “What would you two like to drink?” He asked, looking at both of us in turn. We each ordered a beer and he nodded before walking over to get us what we asked for.

I watched him as he moved, until I suddenly got nudged by the ravenette beside me. “Dude,” he whispered in a hushed tone, “stop staring, you look creepy.” My eyes widened as I realised that I had definitely crossed the line from watching to staring based on my intent gaze and I looked away sheepishly, just in time for the brunette to put my glass in front of me.
1282 words

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