Chapter 13: Mall

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To anyone who wanted to read that news article...

To bad, you can't cause I'm too lazy to write more.

Just come up with your own rest of the article about how Clay's fanclub is already coming up with a list of names for George and Clay's children or that they have found photos which look as though George and Clay were seen kissing in Florida 8 months ago or something.
And they better be fucking entertaining if/when I read them, otherwise I will kill off Wilbur again, okay?

George POV.

Just as Clay said, he turned up to pick me when we’d agreed, and was waiting at the door the moment that the clock struck 12:30, knocking immediately. A smile immediately appeared on my face as I heard him, since I wasn’t keeping track of the time, but I glanced at the clock on my living room wall to see that it was in fact 12:30.

I’d been ready for the past hour, since all that I really needed to do was shower and brush my teeth before I was ready to go. So for the past hour I just sat reading while I was waiting. It was an interesting book about a group of kids who got separated from their parents, and joined a race in order to win the money to get back to them.

Before I went to greet the blond I put my book on the coffee table and stretched. Then I went to the front door and I opened it. Clay was standing there with a smile on his face, and another bouquet of flowers in his hands. “Hello again,” he greeted with a smile. “Are you ready for our more casual date?”

“I most certainly am.” I responded. “And you did not need to get me any more flowers. The ones from last night were perfect.” The blond simply shrugged while handing me the bouquet. I sighed half-heartedly before heading to the coffee table and adding the flowers to the vase that was still full from last night.

Clay was standing behind me when I turned around, dressed up more casually than I was. He had a black hoodie with a smile on, a pair of light blue jeans on, and a pair of black sneakers. It was funny even comparing this to the one that he had been wearing last night..

I was dressed somewhat nicely since I was heading out. It wasn’t as nice as I had been last night in my blue suit (that I’m probably not going to wear again), but it wasn’t as plain as Clay’s hoodie and jeans. I had a pair of black dress pants, a light blue t-shirt, and a silver cardigan. All clothes that I didn’t wear often.

“Are you ready to go?” Clay asked as I finished adjusting the flowers, with their purple petals contrasting and blending well with the blue.
“I’ve honestly been ready twenty minutes after you left. I took the extra time to read a chunk of one of my books.” I admitted.

The blond chuckled at what I said. “Well let’s not keep you waiting any longer. I was thinking we could go to a mall near the centre of town. I saw it when I was with Sapnap a couple of days ago, but we never got the chance to check it out.”

“I don’t typically go into town or to any malls either, so it’ll be a new experience for both of us.” I smiled as we walked to the door. When we stepped out into the cold Winter morning I shivered slightly, but I turned to lock the door. My hands were numb by the time I walked down the path to where Clay had his car parked.

Even though I wasn’t the most familiar with cars I could tell that it was flash. It was bright red (seemingly) and glinted in the sun. Although a lot of people were out at work, there were a couple of neighbours who either worked from home or did not have a job, and I could see a few of them watching out the window, staring at either Clay or the car, I didn’t know which one.

I climbed into the passenger seat and Clay climbed into the drivers. The two of us talked with each other during the trip which took thirty-five minutes because of midday traffic. A lot of it was about the newspaper article talking about me, which I read over a couple of times once Clay had left.

When we finally reached the mall and had parked it was a quarter past one, and we somehow miraculously managed to find a car park right near the entrance. As we were heading inside I noticed Clay grabbing a pair of sunglasses and a beanie which he pulled all the way down to completely cover his hair before putting on the glasses over his eyes.

The blond then locked the car as though there was nothing odd about what he was doing and I raised an eyebrow at him as we began walking inside. I didn’t say anything though, instead focusing on the blast of warm air that enveloped us as the sliding doors opened.

It made me let out a content hum, seeing as it was warmer than the car and my house had been. “So where do you want to go first?” Clay questioned, looking over at me. “Any stores that you want to check out? Or would you like to go get some lunch? Although the cafes and restaurants might be a little busy at this time of the day.”

“You invited me,” I smiled, “you can choose. But I don’t have too much money so I might not be able to get much.” I hated admitting it, but it felt like I had to. Clay was rich and if he wanted to go to some rich people restaurant I would want him to know why I’d only get a glass of water or whatever.

“Don’t worry,” Clay responded as he began to walk. “This is a trip to make up for the fact that I invited you to the auction and now everyone thinks we are a couple. I’ll be paying for everything.” My eyes widened as he said that and I went to object, but the blond had already begun heading towards the escalator to go looking at one of the upper floors.

I had to jog to catch up with him, and finally did so when Clay was smiling at me as he leaned on the railing that looked down to the ground floor. “You didn’t have to hurry off,” I panted lightly when I reached him.
“Sorry, but I didn’t want you to object to me buying you stuff, so I left before you could.”

“Well you already left that expensive emerald necklace at my house, which I’ve had to hide under my bed cause I don’t own a safe or somewhere else to put it. But it is too much already spent on me so you’ll have to take it back.”
“So maybe that could be a shop we go to, one that sells safes.” He suggested, ignoring my comment about him taking it back.

His expression stayed neutral as he said that, and I couldn’t help but laugh, which made him join in happily. We both managed to regain composure and after taking a few deep breaths the blond asked, “so do you see any restaurants you want to go to?”

I looked around before seeing one that I remember Wilbur talking about once or twice in the past, and pointed at it. “Could we go there?” I questioned, glancing over at the actor to see if he was fine with it, and sure enough he nodded. Both of us began heading in the direction of the restaurant I pointed at, and his hand held mine so we wouldn’t lose each other in the crowds.
1358 words

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