Chapter 48: Halfway

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George POV.

A yawn fell from my lips as I moved to rest my head against the window, feeling the rumble of the car against my head as the glass shook slightly with the vehicle's movements. We’d been in the car for a few hours, only stopping once or twice to go to the bathroom and have something to eat.

Clay still seemed wide awake as he focused on the road, humming along to a song playing on the radio. Because of the fact that I wasn’t a big music person, I didn’t know many of the things playing, but one or two I faintly recognised from Wilbur and the girls who used to work with me at the bar.

“You sleepy George?” The blond asked, eventually noting my half-awake state. I just let out a few muttered words attempting to say a ‘no’, unsure whether or not it was believable or not. It seemed, based on the way Clay chuckled, that he got an answer to that question.

“The motel we’re staying at is just a half hour away.” The blond informed me, his hand moving to rest on my thigh again. “Then you can have a proper sleep and we’ll drive the rest of the way tomorrow.”

Because of the fact that it was such a long drive, Clay and I had booked a motel roughly halfway. Then after a night's rest, we’d continue the rest of the way to my family's house, and on the way back home we would do the exact same thing. It was a good plan that the blond had suggested, and since he was driving I was happy to go along with it.

“That’ll be nice.” I muttered, feeling as though I was going to fall asleep against the window, even though the car was moving too much for me to get a good sleep.
“Surely that can’t be comfortable.” Clay noted as I continued trying to make myself comfortable, going exactly against his words.

I didn’t respond, instead letting my eyes flutter closed, but letting out a whine in complaint as the blond moved his hand away. “Just a few minutes George,” he reassured. I let out another small complaint before resting my head against the back of the car seat. Then I just went to staring at the passing cars in a sleepy daze.

Even though it was only a thirty minute drive, it felt a lot longer than that. Almost as if I was sitting there for an hour or two, instead of just half of one. But I woke up more as we finally pulled into the car park for a motel. I stretched as I sat up and looked over at Clay, who looked over at me in response. “I’ll go get our room key if you want to wait here.” He smiled.

I muttered something in agreement as I watched him get out of the car and head over to the office near the far end of the parking lot. Clay had wanted to rent us a five star hotel to stay in for the night, but I managed to talk him down to a three star motel instead. Thankfully he had agreed.

Part of me had worried that Clay would go against my wishes and book us a five star hotel behind my back, and while I would probably be annoyed by that, I also wouldn’t mind seeing as it was bound to be very comfortable and I was exhausted. However Clay didn’t go against my wishes, and so I would be sleeping on an average bed for the night.

My gaze drifted over to the office at the exact right time to see Clay emerging, holding a key in his hand. The blond began approaching the car again and I opened my door just before he got here so that I could talk to him. “Our room is number nine.” He told me as he held out the keys. “You can go have a nap if you want and I’ll bring our stuff in.”

“Thanks Clay.” I responded, I gave him a smile as I took the keys and began walking towards the row of motel rooms. It only took a minute before I reached room number nine and unlocked the door.

The room was quite nice, and since it was only early evening it was still bright enough that I didn’t need to turn any lights on, instead just heading over to a bed to lay down on. This was apparently a family room, with a double bed and a single bed, and despite the fact it had a very unhomely feel, it seemed quite comfortable.

I kicked off my shoes and allowed myself to collapse on the single bed, after all Clay paid for the room, so he should get the bigger bed. As I crawled under the covers it was already warm, since some kind of electric blanket had been left to heat up the bed and I fell in love with it almost instantly.

A minute after I made myself comfortable with the blankets pulled up to my chin I heard the door opening and closing, while not even sparing a glance over my shoulder to see who it was, despite already knowing. “Well isn’t this a cute sight to see.” Clay hummed as he set out suitcases on the floor before walking over to the bed.

“You know you could have made yourself comfortable in the double bed, right?” He said with a smile as his hand rubbed my back. I didn’t say anything in response, instead allowing myself to melt into his caring touches. Clay let out a sigh, one filled with love and adoration. “You are too cute.” He hummed before sitting on the edge of the bed beside me.

That made it so there was even less room on the bed than there was before, not that I minded. He pulled me into a loving hug from behind before just making himself comfortable. “You know, you should move over to the big bed, there would be much more room.” He suggested again, only to receive the shake of a head in response..

“I’m fine here.” I murmured. “It’s warm and comfortable. Plus, you booked the room so you should get the double bed.”
“There’s plenty of room for the two of us.” The blond stated simply. “Plus, human body heat can be a lot nicer than the heat of a set of blankets and sheets.”

I didn’t give a verbal response, instead nuzzling further under the covers. It was warm, and it seemed as though Clay was fine with that as he snuggled into my back. The feeling was amazing, making me want to stay with him forever, even if it was in a half-decent motel room.

After laying comfortably for at least half an hour, I pulled my phone from my pocket. Despite having Twitter for ages, I haven’t made many posts, so maybe this could be one of my first. It took a moment to get it positioned in a way I liked, but when I was done I took several photos and then looked through them all.

Clay watched from over my shoulder as I scrolled through the different photos, commenting on each one about how I looked nice, or something similar. Through the process of elimination we found the best one, and I was about to post it when I got a text from my sister, which I opened so that I could respond to it.
1283 words

Just a fluffy chapter with sleepy George before he and Clay meet his family.

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