Chapter 87: Noah

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It seemed most of you have already figured how this chapter will play out.
George POV.

My sleepiness was catching up with me as I allowed myself to melt into Clay’s arms, feeling a lot of mixed emotions but mainly just guilt and sadness. I felt so bad about the fact that I had been so certain that he’d willingly abandon and humiliate me, but obviously he wouldn’t. In fact, I should probably do something to apologise, maybe organise another dinner.

I wanted to pull Clay into the bedroom and just lay in bed, holding him close so that I could never lose him again, but before I got the chance to do that the blond spoke up. “Before we can go to bed I need you to come outside with me too.” His voice was soft next to my ear and I just nodded at him, wanting him to be happy after all he had been through.

The blond walked with me out of the room and to the elevator, with me staying as close to him as possible, so close in fact that I was practically leaning on him the entire trip down. It was obvious that he had a lot of things going through his mind and I wanted to calm him down, or ask what was wrong but I didn’t know how.

We stepped out into the lobby which was obviously empty due to the fact that it was the middle of the night, and I went to ask what we were doing down here but Clay spoke first. “So, yesterday before Monica did… anything… she showed me some stuff.” He told me. “I didn’t believe her at first because of everything she’s done, but it was the truth.”

“And what was it that she showed you?” I asked, completely unsure of how I should be feeling right now and whether I should be feeling worried or not.
“She showed me some documents, the documents are from a paternity test and the test proves that I am the father of Monica’s son.” The blond explained, causing me to freeze.

Monica’s son was also Clay’s son… I was unsure of how I should feel about this. I mean, it means that Clay abandoned his kid, but also that Monica was right every time she said that that was the case and I was always mean to her when she said that.

I looked to Clay to see how he was feeling, but he had a straight face not letting any emotions slip about how he truly felt about being a father. “What does this mean?” I asked him. “How did she even get your DNA in the first place for a paternity test?” I wasn’t familiar with the tests but surely she would need some DNA proof.

“Well she must have been disgusting and stolen it at some point… I don’t know how. But honestly I’m not surprised. I mean, she broke into your house while we were away so she might have found something with my DNA there and decided to take it.” He guessed.

“So what are you going to do then?” I asked awkwardly. “Does this mean you are breaking up with me so you can focus on-”
“No!” He cut me off with an honestly disgusted look on his face at the suggestion. “George. I would never break up with you for something like that.” He told me.

“After I found out that Noah was my son I was planning on talking to you. I wanted to see what you wanted to do about it. If you wanted to get joint custody or just for me to pay child support.”
“You really care about what I want to do with your son?” I asked awkwardly. “But why?”
“Because I love you and value you.” The blond answered.

“But…” the blond continued. “The options that we had changed after Monica…” he trailed off, obviously not needing to finish his sentence. “After that, she was arrested and so now Noah won’t be able to live with her. Because I am the father, I am most likely to become Noah’s legal guardian.”

“So I’ll be Noah’s stepfather then?” I questioned. “And we’ll be raising him together?” I’d never thought about being a parent. I always figured when I was younger that if I got a boyfriend or a girlfriend that it would just be us. No kids, no technology, maybe a pet. Being a stepfather was never something I considered a possibility.

“If you want to raise him with me.” After saying that the blond began walking outside with me rushing to catch up with him. On the street, directly in front of the main doors was a police car, the headlights bathing the front of the building and the pair of us along with it.

I barely noticed a figure standing by the open driver's seat start running over to us until he launched himself into Clay’s arms hugging him tightly. Clay without missing a beat pulled the small person closer to him, and I watched the pair curiously. After a few moments Clay loosened his grip on the child and held his hand lightly before walking him over to me.

The small boy had hair the exact colour of Clay’s, with the same freckles dusted lightly over his cheeks. I knelt down so I was at eye level with the boy. “You’re Noah right?” I asked, knowing that this must be Clay and Monica’s kids based on the features shared between them. The boy gave a small, nervous nod and I smiled at him. “My name is George, it’s nice to meet you.”

When I held my hand out for him to shake, Noah took it nervously. I continued to smile at him as he shook my hand before pulling his own back to his chest. “You’re pretty.” He muttered quietly.
“Thank you.” I responded. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” The child grinned bashfully at my words before hugging Clay’s side.

“You are going to be staying with George and me for a while.” Clay told Noah, also crouching down so all three of us were at the same height.
“Really?” He asked to which the blond nodded. His eyes were wide with eagerness and I could already tell that I was going to grow to care for him fairly quickly.

“How about we take you up to our room?” Clay went to offer as he stood back up and I followed suit, finding my legs sore even though I’d only been in that position for half a minute at most.
The boy nodded before returning over to the police car and pulling a suitcase out of it, most likely having been told to grab all of his stuff before he came over here.

The police officer helped him lift the heavy suitcase to the ground before passing him his backpack and commenting on how strong he must be in order to carry it on his own. The boy giggled before running back to Clay and I and hugged my waist. I didn’t pull him off, instead being happy that he was already so trusting of me.

“Mr Smith and Mr Davidson.” The officer said, catching our attention. “It is late right now so I will allow you to head to your room, but in the morning I’d like you both to come down to the station so I can ask you some questions about Monica.”
“Alright officer.” Clay nodded. “Thanks for everything.”

They exchanged ‘thank yous’ and ‘good nights’ before Clay and I turned to go back inside, bringing the small boy with us. His arm was wrapped around my waist as we followed after Noah who was eager to go back up to our room.

The younger blond was honestly adorable and as I looked between him and my boyfriend I knew that whatever ended up happening to the three of us, we’d all be alright together.
1372 words

The new story (Howl in the Night) is up, go check it out under my bio if you are interested. It is a werewolf AU, but not omegaverse or anything like that.

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