Chapter 12: Hangover

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George POV.

When I woke up I was immediately greeted with a painful hangover that made me groan loudly. I grew annoyed at myself as I remembered just how much I had to drink last night. After taking a moment to roll my shoulders I sat up, planning on getting out of bed to hunt for something to cure my hangover when I saw what I was wanting right beside my bed.

On the bedside table was a glass of water and some pills to help with my hangover. I was slightly confused because I didn’t remember putting anything there to help myself when I got home, but I took them regardless, knowing I’d have to wait a few minutes in agony before they kicked in.

After taking the pills I took several more sips of water, since my throat was dry. The glass was empty before I felt satisfied and so I climbed out of bed before stumbling out of my room to go refill my glass in the kitchen. However I froze in my tracks when I saw who was there.

“Uhh… hello.” I greeted awkwardly, watching as Clay glanced over his shoulder from where he had been looming over a pan.
“Hey George.” He replied. “You got up just in time. I was finishing breakfast. I hope that you like bacon and eggs on toast.”

“Yeah, I’m fine with that.” I responded with a nod. “But why are you still here? Didn’t you go home after you dropped me off last night?”
“No. You fell asleep in the limo and seemed pretty hungover, so I stayed the night on your couch just to make sure you were okay. Did you take the pills that I brought?”

I hummed out a yes before really processing what he said. “Wait, you bought me those pills for my hangover? You didn’t have to do that.”
“I didn’t want you to wake up with a hangover, and I didn’t know if you had any here so I purchased some on the way home. I also brought some food for breakfast.”

“Thanks. You didn’t have to do all of this,” I smiled warily, before watching as the blond began plating the food. He passed me one of the plates of food and I inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of the bacon and eggs. I waited until he sat down beside me before we began eating in relative silence.

Both of us enjoyed the food and as I sat I kept thinking about last night. Everything felt so strange. I mean I didn’t know I was going out to dinner with a celebrity. I mean this felt like the plot of a romance story.

“So you’re a celebrity?” I decided to ask, since now I was slowly beginning to think more clearly now that I’ve eaten. “What exactly do you do?”
“I’m an actor.” He explained before taking a bite of one of his poached eggs. The blond finished his mouthful before continuing. “I mainly do movies, but I have been in a couple of tv shows.”

“Wow.” The one word fell from my lips sounding like a disappointed sigh. “You are so much more interesting than me. Why did you offer to invite me to go to the auction when there would definitely be someone much better suited?”
“I told you before, you’re funny.” He smiled. “So did you enjoy it?”

“Of course I did. I mean it wasn’t a fun surprise, but it was alright. The food was good and your friends were nice.” I smiled, standing up since I’d finished my plate and taking it to the sink so I could clean it later.
“Maybe you could meet them again sometime, or I could meet some of your friends.”

I shook my head at Clay’s decision. “Wilbur is my only friend, and you’ve already met him when you were at the bar the other night.”
“Well it could be fun to spend more time with him.” The blond shrugged while standing up to move his plate over to the sink.

“Maybe we could go over to where you’re staying and watch movies with Wilbur and some of your friends.” I suggested as I headed towards the front door since I knew that the newspaper got delivered on Monday mornings.
“I thought you weren’t into movies.” He replied, following after me.

“I’m not.” I defended. “Just curious about the fact that you are in movies. I wanted to see what they’d be about.”
“Do you really think I’m one of those dicks who watches my own movies?” Clay asked jokingly, making me laugh before nodding. “Ouch, that’s harsh George.”

“Too bad, it’s probably true.” As I spoke I unlocked the front door and opened it, seeing a newspaper on the front porch where it was usually kept, directly on my doormat. I scooped it up and quickly stepped back inside, feeling a slight chill from the Winter morning.

“You know for someone who seems quite sweet you can be exceptionally rude.” Clay noted, but I ignored what he said as I was staring at the front page of the newspaper, reading the bolded headline. ‘REAL LIFE CONTINENTAL LOVE STORY: AMERICAN ACTOR AND HIS KNEW UNKNOWN BOYFRIEND.’

It didn’t take a genius to work out who it was about when I read the title, but my gaze drifted down to the photo. Right in the centre of the image was myself and Clay, walking down the red carpet from yesterday evening, with his arm wrapped around my waist. For a moment I stared, taking in what I saw but then I moved to gaze down at what it said.

‘During last night's annual Charity Auction in the streets of downtown London it was an opportunity to see many celebrities and find out about what’s been going on in their lives since we’ve last seen them. One of the most surprising revelations was of American actor Clay Smith, (shown right), and the partner who attended the event with him.

‘His partner, (shown left), who’s first name was revealed to be George, is an unknown from somewhere in the UK. The two of them gave little information about the extent of their relationship, but can not have been seeing each other in person for more than three months due to Clay coming to the UK to film the finale for his most recent film.

‘‘Continental Love’ is the name of Clay’s newest film, a romantic comedy showing the love story between an American Journalist who travels the world writing stories, and his British lover, an environmental activist, played by Cassie Corbin. Filming wrapped up this past week and the movie will be releasing in cinemas soon.

‘Fans of Clay are attempting to work out the full extent of his relationship with George on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, along with many other social media platforms, but after the events of last night neither Clay nor George have begun to talk about their relationship and the rumours about it that are spreading…’

‘Continue reading on page 12…’

I considered turning to page 12 to continue reading whatever had been written about me, but I didn’t when I saw the curious look that the blond was giving me. Without saying anything I passed him the paper and watched as he read it over. “They think we’re a couple.” I huffed. “I barely even know you.”

“Sorry about them.” He apologised in response, almost as if it was his fault that they were writing this story. “The media can be quite annoying.”
“That’s why I avoided it.” I replied. “At least I did until I was taken on a date by a famous actor and got my photo on the front cover of a newspaper.”

“And sorry about that as well.” Clay half-heartedly chuckled. “But if you want, I could take you out to lunch to make up for it.”
“That sounds nice. There won’t be paparazzi there this time though, will there?”
Another chuckle fell from his lips at my question. “Hopefully not.”

“Then I’m in.” I said with a smile.
“It’s 10’o’clock now.” The blond noted. “How about I go home and shower and change then I’ll come pick you up at 12:30.”

“Sounds good.” I replied. “I’ll see you then.” It wasn’t the most fancy goodbye we were giving each other, but we would be seeing each other soon so we didn’t mind. I silently watched as Clay grabbed his stuff and slipped out the door I turned to head to the bathroom, but before I did. I noticed he’d left a velvet box sitting on my coffee table.
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