Chapter 77: Not drunk or hungover

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Clay POV.

"Come on sweetheart." I smiled at George as I helped the drunk brunette out of the car. He stumbled out and so I wrapped my arm around his waist to keep him from falling over. "Let's get you up to our room so you can sleep through your hangover." As I walked with him he muttered out something I couldn't make out.

But his expression was kind of scrunched up and pressed into my side. "What was that?" I questioned so he'd repeat it.
"I'm not drunk or hungover." He repeated. "I'm fine." I rolled my eyes, but also agreed with what Wilbur said about how he did not sound overly drunk.

"Fine then." I said as I led him into the lobby. "Then we can go back to our room and sleep, just for the sake of sleeping." George grumbled lightly as I pressed the button for an elevator. We waited for a minute but eventually the doors opened, we stepped in, and pressed the button to our floor.

It was a short ride before the doors opened and I guided the tired brunette through to our room as I unlocked the door. George hummed tiredly as I directed him to the bedroom and laid him down on the bed before pulling his shoes off since they would be uncomfortable to sleep in.

After setting them to the side I looked back over at him. He was wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans, and while he'd be fine to sleep in the hoodie after I emptied its pockets, I knew that he shouldn't be sleeping in jeans cause that was just terrible.

Looking in the closet I found a pair of sweatpants, and after smirking at the meaning behind them, I also knew it was quite cold and so it would be best if George wore them. When I took the pair back into the bedroom I looked over at George. "Are you able to put these on yourself or do I need to change you?"

It took a long sentence for the brunette to look up at me before thinking about it, eventually deciding 'I can put them on myself'. "Alright, here you go." I smiled as I passed him the sweatpants. "While you do that I'll get you some water and pills to help." As I went to leave the room I paused. "Do you want something to eat as well or are you fine?"

" 'm kinda hungry." He admitted to which I nodded.
"I'll get you some crackers." I explained. "Those are apparently really good for sobering people up." George nodded as he watched me continuing to walk out of the room and then I shut the door to give him some privacy.

When I brought him the food, water, and panadol like I said he would, Mr 'I'm not drunk or hungover' was asleep, causing me to coo lovingly at his adorable sleeping form, even though he did smell like a bar. I put the food, water, and panadol on the bedside table before leaving the room so he could sleep.

I sat down on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV to pass the time, although not really caring about what was playing as I left it on a news channel. My day had been kind of slow since most of it was spent with George out with Wilbur because I didn't want him to know about me calling Monica, and me sitting back in the motel doing literally nothing.

Now I was still at a motel doing literally nothing, although this time it was because George was passed out in the bedroom, and not because he was hanging out with Wilbur. The brunette was a heavy sleeper as it is, and now that he also had alcohol, he might never wake up. I allowed myself to joke, although it would not be a joke if it actually happened.

'Maybe I should order myself some pizza for dinner' I thought, since George probably wouldn't wake up for the rest of the night to eat something for himself. 'Or I could order something off of room service.' Before I could come up with a final decision however, my phone started ringing and it was the name I had been expecting to call all day... Monica.

Without thinking I answered it, not wanting to keep her waiting and make her mad because she could easily repost the phone conversation that George had with her and make the entire internet hate him again. "Hello Monica." I greeted the ravenette woman on the other end of the call. "How are you?"

It physically pained me to be civil with her after all she had done to myself and George, but this was all to make sure that George was not harassed by her.
"I'm doing well Clay, and I was wondering if you were free tomorrow." She asked back.
"Yeah, I am free." I told her. "Is tomorrow the day you want me to spend with you and your kid?"

"His name is Noah." She informed me. "But yes, I would like you to spend the day with us tomorrow. Are you free?"
"I should be fine." I told her, not knowing whether I actually was busy or not, but not wanting to put this off any longer.

After all, after I've done this for her I can get her to leave me alone. Then, all that I need to worry about before going to Florida is finding George's necklace, mainly because I saw how torn up about it he was and I didn't want him to have to go through that for who knows how long.

"What were the details and rules that you wanted me to follow again?" I questioned, rubbing my forehead as I listened to what she was saying.
"You will arrive at 9am and stay for ten hours until 7pm." She explained. "I've made a full day plan and will pay for everything, but I'd like you to at least buy Noah a gift."

"I can do that." I nodded. "You'll just need to text me where I am going to meet you, whether it's your hotel or someplace else."
"That'll be easy." She responded. "Now, I would love to stay and chat but I have to try and get a five year old into a bath, so I'm going to go."

"Alright then." I was about to say goodbye before she remembered something and she cut me off before I could even begin my sentence.
"Oh and I took down the post before saying something along the lines of what you said. Told my fans it was a petty fight, but if you fuck over tomorrow then I guarantee I will tell them not to-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you'll do." I brushed her off. "Now go back to your son. See you tomorrow." She responded with a goodbye before hanging up. I let out a sigh, thankful my conversation with her was over before going back to my important internal debate: what I should have for dinner.
1198 words

How do you think Clay meeting up with Monica and her kid is gonna go?

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