Chapter 53: Lion King and Wines

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George POV.

Clay stayed right behind me as we walked out of the bedroom and back to the living room, where the scene had clearly shifted. Before, the two kids had been sitting on the floor playing with blocks, while the three adults, besides my sister, were sitting on the couch and talking with one another.

Now though, the two children were sitting on the couch and watching a movie. The adults had all moved over to the kitchen, where my mother and my sister’s husband were moving around in the kitchen cooking. My father and sister were sitting at the counter and chatting with one another while sipping wine.

Liam and Leah were the first two to notice us and ran over before grabbing our hands. “Uncle George! Uncle Clay!” They said in unison before the boy, Liam, continued. “Can you watch a movie with us?”
“We’re watching the Lion King!” Leah added on with a wide grin.

Clay was grinning widely as the two of us were pulled by the small children to the couch, but I was more worried about them calling him uncle. Did they really think I was married to Clay? I mean we were dating, but he’d only be their uncle if he was married to me, which he is not.

I didn’t comment about it at all, since the two children and Clay both seemed to be enjoying the movie, and so without a word I settled down beside the blond with my head resting on his shoulder so that I could get comfortable. The children ignored the way both of us were acting, even when Clay’s arm wrapped around my waist.

“Liam, Leah, how are you two doing over there?” Sarah asked, looking at her two children sitting on either side of Clay and myself.
“We’re doing good.” Leah smiled, nodding as she kicked her legs back and forth.

“Do you two think that maybe Clay and George will want to come and talk with the adults for a while?” The woman asked, tilting her head as she looked down at her children.
“But we’re watching a movie!” Liam whined at his mother. “They can’t just leave in the middle of it. They’ll miss the story.”

“I’m sure the two of them have seen the Lion King before.” Sarah said, and although I have not seen the Lion King before, I didn’t say anything since I wasn’t in the mood to sit with two people who were certain me and Clay were married. Even if I was biologically related to the pair of them, I did not want to be around them.

“Yeah,” I agreed with my sister. “We could watch the Lion King with you guys later.”
“We'll just talk with your parents and grandparents for a bit.” Clay added on. “Then we can watch a movie with you both after dinner.” His promise to them made them perk up and they nodded as they watched him walk off.

I followed after the blond, finding that the room was much colder than it had seemed when we were on the couch, but I didn’t say anything. There was one available seat at the kitchen counter, and Clay pulled it out for me to sit on, which I thanked him for with a loving grin. Both my father and my sister watched, while the other two were focusing on what was being cooked.

“You two took a while in your bedroom.” Sarah noted as she stood up to get some more glasses. “What were you getting up to in there?” She gave a smirk to myself and the blond as she said that. My father scowled at what she was hinting at.
“Sarah, be appropriate while there are children in the room.” He spoke simply.

I wasn’t in the mood to tell my parents, my sister, and my sister’s husband I had just been crying onto the blond about probably meaningless things for the past half. Thankfully, Clay spoke up before I had to. “George was just showing me some cool stuff from his room. Old school projects and posters and stuff.” He explained.

Sarah commented on what the blond said but I didn’t really pay attention, instead looking over at Clay. Meanwhile, my sister had set the two wine glasses in front of us and smiled at both of us. “Can I interest either of you to a drink?” She asked. “We have wine, and a couple of different beers.”

“We have some wine for you as well actually, we thought it would be nice to bring a gift. There’s some chocolate too.” Clay noted before saying something about how he’d go get it. That left me alone with my family and my sister asked the question she had earlier.

“George, would you like a drink?” Sarah offered. “Or are you alcohol free like you had said you’d always be as a kid?”
“I am alcohol free.” I informed her. “Clay says it’s strange since I worked as a bartender.” I allowed myself to laugh.

“Oh, Clay seems so sweet.” Sarah smiled. “You always think that celebrities will have a superiority complex. Clay is very down to Earth.”
“I know, a lot of the celebrities I have met are like that.” I responded with a shrug, and suddenly Sarah’s husband spoke up.

“What kind of celebrities do you know?” He asked. “Any sports players?” I simply shook my head in response to what he said.
“I don’t really know what most of the guys do. I know a couple of them are actors, but the rest… who knows?”

“I never expected that from you George.” My father sighed as he motioned for my sister to pour him another glass. “I honestly expected you’d be a guy who stayed alone, without technology to fill your life. But now you’re dating a movie star and are popular on tictac… or whatever website you use nowadays.”

“I have to admit I’d thought you’d be the same.” I responded as my sister brought over a glass of water. “You and Mum had raised me to not use technology, aside from a flip phone to make sure I wasn’t being kidnapped. Now here you are with one of the biggest tvs I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh, we decided two or three years ago that maybe our teachings were a bit harsh.” My mother commented. “So we used a bunch of the money we had saved up and got wifi, a TV, and some smartphones.” The thought that they’d done all of that, leaving behind the life that they’d raised me into along with my sister, and I was living it alone.

“That’s… great for you.” I muttered, although feeling upset deep down. My gaze lowered down to the floor in front of me, but before I could think my mother spoke up.
“And this is dinner!” She announced as she began walking to the table. “Everyone to the table please so I can serve it.”
1170 words

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