Chapter 67: Pregnancy

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Clay POV.
A few years ago

'I was going to be in so much trouble with my agent for being late' I huffed as I quickly attempted to pull on a coat. It was just a meeting with my agent about a film I was going to be in. She wanted to write up a contract for the next movie I was going to be in, since the movie was meant to be having a few sex scenes with both men and women.

"Baby, I have something to talk to you about." I perked up before glancing over at the ravenette woman as she entered the room, her hair wet from a shower and a fluffy robe wrapped around her. "If you have a moment..."
"Of course I have a moment." I responded.

I looked over at her as I sat down on my bed while putting my shoes on. "What is it you want to talk about?" As I spoke she moved to sit beside me. I could tell that she was fiddling with something in her hands awkwardly. "Monica, are you okay?"

She looked up at me and nodded, although I saw tears in her eyes which still filled me with the slightest bit of concern. "Well..." she began, pausing to take a deep breath. "My period hadn't come yet, so I decided to buy a pregnancy test and... I'm pregnant." Her words made my eyes widen and I froze to the spot.

Monica was... pregnant? I couldn't believe it. Before I even knew it I pulled her into a tight hug as a big dopey grin grew on my face. "I'm going to be a father?" I asked happily before getting a nod in confirmation from her. "We're having a kid?" My words caused her to laugh.
"Yeah, we're having a kid." Her hands moved to cup my face and she kissed me lovingly.

"Oh my God," I beamed. "We have to celebrate. You call up your family right now. I'll call up mine. And we'll call up Sapnap and Karl and all of your friends. They all have to know."
"God I love your enthusiasm." She laughed. "But maybe we should wait a while. It's still early and we don't know..."

I cut her off with a kiss. "No need to be paranoid. We can wait to announce it to everyone, but you will be a wonderful mother. I want you to know that, alright?" She gave a nod, leaning into me as she did.

"But after my meeting with my agent, how about I pick you up and take you out to dinner." I offered. Her eyes lit up at the idea and she nodded eagerly.
"That'll be perfect." She grinned. "You, me, and our soon-to-be beautiful child."

"It'll be the nicest restaurant in Florida. I'll buy you the best dinner, desserts, and wines that a woman can want." I promised her, before my eyes widened as I realised something. "Actually, we'll have to wait for the wine. Something bad could happen if you get drunk." She laughed before kissing me again.

"You are going to be such a good father." She praised me. "Making sure that you look after our family and keep all of us safe." Her words made my heart flutter as I embraced her, unable to control myself as my hand moved to rest on her belly, where my child was growing. Her hand moved to rest on top of mine.

Both of us stayed holding each other for a few minutes before I reluctantly pulled away. "I have to get to my meeting." I explained. "But when I get back I will take you out for the best dinner you've ever had."

"You spoil me too much." She smirked as she followed me down towards the garage on the ground floor. "How about I get one of my newer dresses, and before we go out to dinner you and I can have some fun together." She purred, pressing up against me.

"I would love that." I responded. "You have about two hours and then I'll be back to treat you, my darling." We exchanged another kiss before I grabbed my keys from their usual spot and headed into the garage and she waved me off from the front door as I left.

A few months later

I huffed lightly as I carried the new baby crib into the foyer before setting it down. My arms hurt and I took a moment to massage my muscles so that they'd stop hurting. All of the friends that I'd had were busy, and I didn't want Monica to do anything that could hurt her or the baby while she was pregnant.

So all morning I had been out picking up stuff that we'd ordered for our baby online, since she and I both wanted what was best. "Monica!" I called up to her. "I've got the crib! Which room should we set it up in?" There was no response from her and so I headed upstairs looking for her.

Most of her spare time she spent at home, only leaving so she could take part in her fashion shows which has made her even more popular in the public's eyes as a woman who didn't let pregnancy stop her from doing her job. That achievement made me even more proud of her, but she still did spend a lot of time resting at home which I was also proud of her for.

To show her just how much I loved her, I'd go on long trips, which sometimes ended up with me travelling out of state, to get all sorts of treats that she likes. For example, I went on an eight hour drive to get her some fresh fruit from an orchard she likes to visit bordering the state line to Georgia.

I didn't make too much noise as I went looking for her in case she was asleep, something which Monica had been doing often. When I reached our bedroom I knocked lightly on the door to see if she was awake. Although she didn't say anything, I heard shuffling around and took that as a sign that she was awake. With a wide grin on my face I opened the door but it quickly faded.

She was on the bed with another man, both of them naked and in the middle of a sloppy make-out session with one another. They broke away when they realised the door was open and her face paled once she saw me. "Clay..." she began her explanation before instantly trailing off. I didn't stick around to listen to her though, instead just slamming the door and walking out.

My mind clouded over and I barely could focus as I left the house, driving to the first place I could think of so I could just get out of the surprisingly cold evening. Half an hour later I ended up collapsed on Sapnap's doorstep brawling my eyes out. It was the last time I went back to my old house, and the last time I talked to Monica without crying or screaming.
1239 words

What do you people think seeing Clay and Monica's relationship?

Also, Ezra has a new part of his story coming out so go check it out if you've finished this. It's one of the longest he's written

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