Chapter 49: Morning

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How has everyone's Easter been today/yesterday?

To those of you who don't celebrate Easter, how was your regular Sunday?
Clay POV

The two of us woke up cuddled up in the big bed and I smiled. After ordering some pizza for dinner once we’d woken up from our nap on the single bed George had admitted that being cuddled up with me felt nicer than sleeping alone on a bed, and so I talked him into sharing the double for the night.

It was great, just being able to hold him close to me all night made me feel like I was keeping him safe and hidden from the rest of the world. It would be like he was before Wilbur and I had talked him into going to all these big events, and getting him a phone. Because now, I knew that he was mine, and the internet and any other celebrity wouldn’t change his amazing personality.

I grabbed my phone from the side table and turned it on so that I could see the time, and it was just past 8am. We’d done a little bit of working out last night, and figured out that we should leave at 10am, which was the sign out time for the motel, get breakfast in town, and drive the rest of the way to his parents house so we’d be there around 3pm, if the traffic was good.

So I allowed myself to get comfortable, snuggling further into the warmth of the small, sleeping brunette. After a few minutes I turned my attention back to my phone which had been charging overnight, and I decided I could just scroll through Twitter while I waited for the Brit to wake up.

The post George had made for the two of us was the first thing to appear on my feed. Showing us cuddled up in the single bed in the dim light of the motel room. It was a sweet picture, with him smiling tiredly the entire time.

Underneath were thousands of retweets and likes and comments, most of them gushing over how cute the two of us were together. I couldn't help but beam with pride at what they were saying about the two of us. Their endless compliments made me pull the boy closer towards me with a happy hum.

“Everyone knows how perfect you are.” I hummed at him, “they all know that I have the most perfect boy in the world.” George was still asleep, and didn’t respond to anything that I said, but I figured it would be somewhat awkward if he did. So I just continued to beam happily as I kept reading more and more of the comments.

Maybe it was hypocritical of me, to not want everyone in the world to know about George and his life but also liking to show off the perfect boy, but either way I just enjoyed myself. Sapnap, Karl, and a couple of the other guys had all commented, all of them saying stuff about how cute we were together.

A few minutes passed of me just reading everything that people were saying about us. Most of it was positive, saying that they hoped we were happy together, and that we were a cute couple, but there were some more demanding or negative ones. They said things like ‘surprised Clay would want to be seen with someone so small and pathetic’, all of which pissed me off.

Finally I heard a quiet, tired groan beside me, before noticing the brunette shifting around. A grin grew on my face as I watched it and my hand moved to cup his cheek. “Morning George.” I greeted in a faint voice, one that made him beam, which looked absolutely adorable in his tired state.

“G’morning, “ he responded drowsily, rolling over so that he was facing me properly before wiping his eyes. “What time is it?”
“Half past eight.” I responded. “We have to be out of here in an hour and a half and then we are going to breakfast, remember?”

“I remember.” He said with a smile before snuggling into me more, with the electric blanket and body heat creating a nice warmth.
“Want to get up now then, or should we stay for a little?” I asked, my hand moving to brush through his hair.

“We could get up.” He answered. “I slept in my clothes, so I want to take a shower…” He muttered as he pulled away from me. “What were you doing on your phone?”
I hummed a response. “Just looking at the picture that you posted of us last night, lots of people liked it.”

“Really?” His eyes lit up as I said that, happy about all of the positive attention and the way he was reacting made me give a nod in response.
“Yeah, they all are really happy that we are happy together. There are heaps of people who are jealous of me for being with such an attractive man.” I complimented making him blush.

“You are too sweet.” He replied, moving to nuzzle his face into my neck. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to be with you.”
“I’ve been wondering the same thing about you.” I responded. “How did I get so lucky to be with someone such as you. We are like Romeo and Juliet, except ten times hotter.”

I chuckled at my words, but George stayed silent. His lack of reaction to what I said made my expression falter slightly. “Please tell me that you understand who Romeo and Juliet are.”
“Don’t worry I do.” George nodded. “I read Romeo and Juliet back in school. It was kind of sucky, but you and I would make it so much better.”

“That is definitely something I agree on.” I smirked. “Now, I’m gonna go have a shower and then make sure our bags are packed. You can stay and lay in bed for a bit longer.”
“Sure, that’ll be nice.” George responded before rolling over again.

I gazed lovingly at the brunette for a minute before grabbing myself a change of clothes from my suitcase and heading into the bathroom, the entire time thinking about what it would be like to meet his family in just a few short hours.

Honestly, I was looking forward to seeing the group of people who made such a special person.
1142 words

How would people react if I did inevitably make Clay the father of Monica's kid? Would you guys be pissed about it, or happy that he can be a Daddy (to both the kid and George).

And if Clay found out he did have a kid, how would he react? Would he be happy to fill in a parental role or would he try and give it up?

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