Chapter 33: Make-up

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Clay POV.

“Clay… I’m worried.” George muttered to me as we walked through the side door, the one that led to backstage. “What if I accidently say something which makes everybody hate me?”
“That’s impossible.” I rolled my eyes in response. “There is no way that everybody could hate you. You’re perfect.”

“Clay, you are sweet, but I’m serious.” He huffed out. “Over the past few days both you and Wilbur have told me about some of the terrible stuff that gets found out on this show. What if they find out something about me and they tell everyone. Then I’ll have to quit my job… and move far away… and…”

“Stop being so paranoid.” I spoke softly. “You won’t have done anything that bad.” As we talked I helped direct him towards where I’d been directed to meet via an email. We were both wearing nice clothes, but any imperfections in our outfits that wouldn’t make us look as good on camera would need to be assessed by the stage director.

I had to explain this all to George, who seemed overly confused about everything that was going on, and why we had to be dressed up like this for an interview. It was all overly confusing to a brunette who had next to no experience with the online world until a week ago, and he still had so much to learn.

The interviewer was sitting in a chair getting her make-up done. Her name was Puffy and not many people were sure of her true age. She had white hair and a wise demeanour that made people guess she was in her forties, but her personality appeared much younger.

Despite how much I disliked this company, I couldn’t help but respect her. She was a woman with a lot of remarkable achievements. She smiled at the two of us, her face appearing happy but her blue eyes appearing dull in contrast to the makeup coating her face. “Clay, George, it’s a pleasure to have you both here.” She smiled at the pair of us.

“And it’s a pleasure to be here.” I responded, my celebrity instinct making me want to be polite and civil over everything. Although I hated the company, I learnt from a mutual friend of both myself and Puffy that she wasn’t actually aware of what her people did to get some of these interviews set up for her.

“You both are quite early though.” She hummed. “The producers tell everyone to get her half an hour before we start, and you are here forty-five minutes early.”
“Sorry about that. We went into town for an early dinner, and then had no other plans.”

Puffy smiled fondly at my comment, which seemed as though it would be difficult since a stylist was attempting to apply some lipstick to her face. She lightly used one of her hands to swat the man away though before adjusting in her chair so she could see us both more easily. “So I assume that means you are both ready for make-up.”

“Wait… we’re going to be wearing make-up for this?” George asked quietly, his eyes widened as the hand that was holding mine tightened its grip. “I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with that…”
“It isn’t too much make-up.” I reassured him. “Just because otherwise it’s hard for the audience and cameras to see our faces easier. It happens all the time in theatre and movies.”

Despite my words, George still seemed uneasy, his hand holding mine not loosening up in the slightest. My thumb lightly began brushing against his knuckles, and against the back of his hand and I spoke in an even quieter tone. “If it does make you uncomfortable though I’m sure we could find another solution, all right sweetheart?”

The only reason that I called him sweetheart was because I knew that the nickname would distract him from what was going on. Also playing up the relationship in front of Puffy before our interview. George turned to give me a small grin when I said it, as a way of showing that his words did what I intended and calmed him down.

I only looked away from him when I noticed Puffy’s adoring expression, clearly knowing that this interview was going to get a lot of love and attention if this was how we acted backstage. The brunette gave a small nod. “Alright, I guess a little make-up will be fine. But just a little…”

The stylist that had been helping Puffy up until a minute ago nodded before directing us both to some chairs on the other side of the room which we both walked over to. The two chairs were the type you’d get at a hairdressers, or at a barber shop, and each one was only two feet apart, so I could easily hold George’s hand the entire time, which is something he enjoyed.

I stayed by George the entire time, making sure he was comfortable as the one stylist was taking care of both of us. He added some gel to our hair and added some light make-up all the while other guests of the show tonight were also getting their make-up touched up around us. I couldn’t help but notice the way that George’s gaze darted towards anyone passing.

When the stylist was finished I couldn’t help but smile widely as I admired both myself and George in the mirror. We both looked completely different and absolutely identical at the exact same time. It was just small details to make us look more presentable on TV, and George still seemed uncomfortable by the make-up, but he relaxed slightly seeing me looking the same.

We also both had a microphone on, since without them nobody would be able to hear a single word that we were saying. From experience I knew that they wouldn't be turned on until we were out on stage, but I had to reassure George several times that the audience couldn’t hear everything he was saying right now.

Because of how awkward George was, I had been the one that was done first, so I had finished up a few minutes before George and ever since I’d been done I’d moved to stand behind him. He stood up once he had finished and I embraced him. “You look so handsome.” I hummed. “I am jealous.”

“Clay…” He whined out quietly. “Don’t say that. You are much more handsome than I am. Even without all the make-up and hair gel.”
“Agree to disagree. And if you don’t agree with me I may have to ask the audience during our interview, surely they’ll agree with your beauty.”

George’s gaze shifted off me to notice most of the people in the room were watching us and his face constantly flushed. I also looked around before looking back to the Brit’s now red face. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” He muttered as he moved away from me before hurrying out of the room, despite not even knowing where the bathroom is.

A woman I came to quickly realise was the stage director approached me a moment after. “I just came over to let you know that we are beginning in two minutes, your interview will be in seventeen… is your boyfriend ready?” Without saying anything I nodded, which seemed to satisfy her.

She walked off right after that to talk to another person and my attention turned to the TV in the corner of the room, which was showing the channel that the Backstage Celeb show was going to be on in the next few minutes. The last show had just finished and it was showing some adverts for a cereal.

After it finished the theme song which I was somewhat familiar with for this show began playing and someone from out of my sight turned off the volume. All chatter in the room fell silent and everyone began watching the show.
1345 words

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