Chapter 69: Smut

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Just kidding, there's no smut losers. It's chapter 69 and you don't get smut.


Anyway... This chapter does mention the opposite of our beloved consenting smut. It mentions r@pe. So trigger warning here for that. But it is after all of the equally beloved fluff.
George POV

I moaned softly as the blond pulled me closer in his sleep, feeling overstimulated after our activities from earlier. I was so overstimulated, in fact, that even moving a couple of centimetres over the bed so I could cuddle with my boyfriend hurt. My legs and arms shook slightly as I cuddled into him, enjoying the warmth that radiated off the sleeping blond.

The room was dark, since it was probably past midnight. Neither of us had eaten dinner, since we’d spent the majority of the afternoon with one another in the bedroom. Although I was feeling slightly hungry, I was much too comfortable to want to move and go get food. Plus, there was the fact that my legs probably wouldn’t work.

His hands moved to hug my waist, and his face nuzzled against my chest. It was adorable how cuddly he was, although I was pretty much the same. Being here with him in bed, made me think about what it would be like if I moved with him to Florida.

The two of us would sleep in the same bed every night, which is something we have been doing already. Only major difference is that Clay lives in a mansion by the beach. It had been years since I'd been to a beach, back when I was ten I went to one with my parents but it was Winter when we went, so it would have been worse than usual.

As my mind raced with thoughts and scenarios about what it would like to live in another continent, the blond began kissing the side of my face. “Clay.” I whispered, my eyes fluttering as I squirmed closer to him. “Stop.” I whined pathetically.
“Sorry George, but I saw you were awake and you looked so pretty. I couldn’t resist.” He hummed.

“You are so annoying.” I complained before rolling over so I could face him properly. “I don’t know why I am in love with you.”
“Because I’m pretty.” He cooed playfully before pulling me closer to kiss again.

After a couple of loving kisses back and forth he sat up. “How are you feeling?” The blond asked me caringly. “Want me to go get some food for a late dinner… or an early breakfast?”
“What time is it?” I questioned, my eyes soft as I watched the blond sit up and shuffle over to the bedside table so he could grab his phone.

“It’s half past one.” Clay answered. “So most places won’t be open, but maybe I’ll find a twenty four-seven shop that has some nice hot food, or I could go through a drive through.”
“You don’t have to go get me some food.” I murmured, allowing myself to snuggle up under the blankets. “I’m fine waiting five or six hours to eat.”

“We didn’t eat dinner last night,” Clay noted before asking. “How much did you eat for lunch yesterday?”
“I had a sandwich.” I answered. “It was an egg salad sandwich. We brought it from that bakery on the way to your interview.”
“Well I’m getting you something to eat. Otherwise you’ll go eighteen hours between eating.”

I whined quietly before watching as he climbed out of bed and pressed a loving kiss on my forehead. “I’ll go get you something nice.” He reassured me. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes, alright sweetheart?” I nodded, watching as he pulled on some clothes and shoes. “You can go back to sleep and I’ll wake you when I’ve brought food.”

With a small nod I settled back under the covers of the bed, watching in the dark room as he walked out of the bedroom and shut the door quietly. A huff fell from my lips since I lost my main source of warmth before I turned the bedroom light on. I didn’t want to sleep without Clay, and so I’d wait up for him.

Since I quickly got bored I grabbed my phone off of its spot on the bedside table where it had been charging. Even though it had felt like I had been waiting for hours for Clay to return with food, it had only been a minute or so. I huffed out lowly before opening up tiktok to pass the time.

There weren't many interesting videos appearing on my for you page, just a lot of things similar to other things I have liked in the past. A lot of the videos were of Clay, yes it may be selfish that I liked a lot of videos of him, but it wasn’t my fault.

Eventually I came across a video that made me pause, a person was rambling about some drama that was happening on Twitter. This, just like the videos of Clay, was a common occurrence on my for you page, and I was about to scroll past it until I heard a name which I recognised. Monica.

Despite the fact that both Clay and I had agreed that we wanted to avoid Monica and all of the drama she caused (we had a talk along the lines of that at some point between the sex earlier), I couldn’t help but want to see what it was about. So I restarted the video and watched what the person was saying.

It was something about how she had been harassed by another person on the internet, but after watching the video my eyes widened as the man spoke. “...a lot of people online know about the situation between Monica Clearwaters and her ex-fiance Clay Smith, with them breaking up when Monica was five months pregnant with his child…” He began.

“This messy break-up has caused a lot of hate to be directed to both celebrities and since both have accused the other of cheating during the course of their relationships, among other things, it can be hard for people to figure out which of the pair is actually in the wrong. But today, we have seen some footage recorded showing an interaction from both sides of the argument.”

My eyes narrowed as I watched the video, wondering if it was something old, maybe from a few months ago but then I heard it… her voice and… my voice…
'George, no need to sound so stressed sweetie.' She said, making my face pale as I remembered her words from our conversation today. 'I just want to tell you that you are…'

'I don’t care what the hell you want to tell me.'  My voice appeared in response, and by just hearing this bit of the clip out of context it made me sound like a real asshole. 'Now, I want to make this clear… If you ever try and contact Clay again, or me again, then I will not hesitate to find you and make you wish your bitchy model ass was never born…'

The clip was cut off there, and I let out a shaky breath. The man who had been talking through the TikTok video then spoke up again. “After Monica released some screen recordings from a phone call she had with Clay Smith’s boyfriend, George Davidson, both celebrities have received a lot of hate and death threats for what they said to her.”

“Neither have responded online to her post, but rest assured I will make a part two to this…” I turned off my phone out of worry before he could finish his sentence, feeling my breath catch in my throat as I thought about the fact that people were hating Clay because of something I said. And that Monica would post me threatening her online.

I cautiously went to Twitter, wanting to explain to everyone what had happened so that Clay didn’t end up getting unnecessary hate, but the moment I opened the app I regretted it. My inbox, and my feed, was just filled with messages tagging me, all waiting to taunt and harass me which made tears prick at my eyes.

Saying things about me, about how I was an asshole, a bully, a monster, about how they hoped all my friends and family abandoned me, and how they wished that I ended up being killed or assaulted or r@ped by a…


A sob fell from my lips and I scrambled out of bed, collapsing onto the floor as I did and beginning to shake. All I could think of was how I messed everything up, and about how Clay was going to hate me when he found out.
1486 words

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