Chapter 3: Flip-phone

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Clay POV.

He was in the back of my mind the whole day. It was my first day of not needing to get up and go to the studio to film anything and so I just lounged around in the bed of my luxurious hotel room for most of the morning, thinking about him. I found his personality fun, something that I could get along with easily.

All of my friends were off doing their own thing and so I had time to myself. Maybe I could see if this George guy was around at his bar, maybe I could get a drink or even just ask him about what fun things there are to do in this town. I smiled as I came up with that idea and I climbed out of the bed.

I got into the shower and had managed to get myself cleaned up by lunch time, then I left the room and hurried down to the valet and grabbed my keys. Since it was a Wednesday just before lunch the streets were more quiet, and the drive to the bar was a lot quicker than it was last night (and yes I was drunk when I drove, but I didn’t crash or anything, so I’m fine).

Because of how early it was in the day the parking around the bar was empty. The only cars nearby were of people who worked in the surrounding businesses. Most of the buildings were all things that wouldn’t be open at this time of day, or shops aimed at tourists.

By some miraculous twist of fate, as I stepped out of the car in front of the bar, there was an employee unlocking the door, and it was George. I beamed brightly as I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

He jolted and let out a yelp as I touched him, before calming down slightly as he saw me. “Oh… hey,” he spoke awkwardly while taking a step back. “You startled me. But, the bar doesn’t open for another hour so you’ll have to come back.”
“Oh no, I wasn’t here to drink. I was here to talk to you.” I responded sheepishly.

A lock clicked as he unlocked the door before turning to look at me. “I guess I could talk. But I had to come in early to restock the fridge and stuff, are you okay with that?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to talk to someone cause I didn’t have anything else to do, and I thought of you.”

“That’s sweet,” George hummed as he stepped inside and walked around the tables and behind the bar. “So are you a tourist? It’s just that we don't often get new people coming here.”
“Actually I am here for work, but I’m free for the next couple of weeks. I was hoping to see if any locals had good recommendations on activities.”

“What do you mean by that?” He questioned, before disappearing into the backroom. I followed him as far as I dared, just so that I could see him while I talked.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged slightly. “Just was looking for something to do and thought that a bartender would probably have a lot of insight from meeting new people all the time.”

“Maybe I’m not the best person to ask then,” he responded while haphazardly carrying seven bottles in his arms and trying not to trip over anything. “Look, I’m going to be completely honest with you. My life is boring, I don’t really care for going out partying, heck I don’t even have a tv in my house. If you want some fun things to do then you should talk to my friend Wilbur.”

“You didn’t seem boring last night, in fact you seemed like quite fun, especially after you dealt with that guy who tried to flirt with you. His face had turned green by the time that he finished that drink. I was cracking up laughing, so was my friend Sapnap.”

“I’m sorry, I’m just not that kind of guy who goes partying, or doing anything fun of the sort.” He repeated as he began setting the bottles on shelves. “Most of my coworkers hate me because of that. So I’m never invited to any of the work parties and stuff.” A twang of pity ran through me as he spoke, but he seemed desensitised to the entire thing as he spoke.

Then I remembered, the charity auction this Sunday. “If you want to go do something fun and prove your coworkers wrong, I have a dinner this weekend that I’m going to, and I’m allowed a plus one if you are interested in joining me.” I offered, causing him to pause what he was doing.
“You wouldn’t be interested in spending the night with me at a fancy dinner.” He answered.

“How about we meet up on Sunday and see if that is true then?” I offered, and he smiled warily while turning to look at me.
“Sure,” he eventually nodded. “But I can guarantee that if the two of us spent an evening together you’ll be on the first flight back to wherever you came from.”

“We’ll just have to wait and see then.” I smirked. “So, can I have your number and we could discuss when I pick you up and your address?”
“Sure.” George pulled a phone out of his pocket and my eyes widened. It was a flip phone, I hadn’t had one of those since I was eight.

The brunette noticed my staring and sighed. “I know I probably look like an idiot for having a flip phone.” He explained. “I just prefer it over a mobile phone.”
“I’m not judging,” I smiled, although I did find it curious. But I also thought it was cute that he had it, since as a celebrity I knew about how distracting and painful social media could be.

“Put your number in here.” He instructed, and I nodded while doing what he asked. I put in my name and number before passing the phone back. A moment later my phone vibrated from my pocket and it was from an unknown number, simply saying ‘hi :)’. Quickly I added George into my contacts before sending a ‘hi’ back to him.

“Thank you for the invite.” He smiled when he received the message back. “I guess I’ll see you on Sunday, tell me what time you want to pick me up.”
“See you then.” I paused for a moment as I reached into my wallet and grabbed out a couple fifty pound notes. “And here’s a tip for your excellent service and conversation skills.”

“Oh… thank you.” He responded awkwardly, not looking at the money to see how much it was worth as he took it. I turned and left, a small smile appearing on my face because I knew he’d probably freak out when he realised how much I had given him. Without looking back I climbed into my car.

I pulled my phone back out of my pocket and called Sapnap, who answered after it rang a couple of times. “Hey Clay what’s up?” He questioned, and I couldn’t help it as a dopey grin appeared on my face as I began ranting to him about how George was coming to the auction with me.
12 words

Damn when Dream falls in love, he falls hard.

Anyway, that's all for the first days upload, hope you enjoyed.

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