Chapter 17: Leaving early

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George POV.

I let out a sigh as I glanced over at the table where the group of celebrities were still sitting and chatting. A large portion of the group had gone home already, with Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, and Niki all having gone about half an hour ago. Those who remained had slowly begun ordering less and less drinks as they grew tired, but they still had something in front of them.

Currently Bad and Skeppy were both having a drink of orange juice, which we only really kept for the occasional person who wanted some fancy martini mix, or if a parent brought their kid in here. Clay was resting with his head on the table, holding an empty beer bottle in his hand. I watched them, seeing as they were the only people left today.

Wilbur had moved into the back room, he decided to clean the storage room because it had become clear that I was friends with them and was capable of serving the trio. Most of the time I was just giving Clay an annoyed look, since he was obviously drunk.

Eventually it reached 3am, and Wilbur came out of the backroom before coming to stand beside me. Both of us watched Skeppy, Bad, and Clay as they sat talking with each other in hushed voices. “Wow,” the taller brunette simply said. “I still can’t believe that you somehow befriended them, and the fact that you went on a date with Clay Smith.”

I sighed as I glared at my friend. “Is this all that I’m going to be known for now? Going on a date with an actor who I didn’t know was an actor?” I responded.
“I’m not meaning it like that,” Wilbur reassured. “I just think that it is cool that you managed to meet someone who you like.”

We exchanged glances and he gave a supportive smile, which made me happy. I thanked him before going back to what I had been doing, wiping down the bench. “It seems as though Clay is drunk. Maybe you should go and take care of him.” Wilbur eventually suggested.
“But I have to work.” I replied, momentarily looking over at the blond.

“George, you and him are boyfriends, and the bar is always quiet at this time of night. I can take care of everything else.”
“Clay and I aren’t boyfriends.” I hissed. “We’ve barely known each other for a week. It’s just like a hook-up thing.”

“Seriously? A ‘hook-up thing’?” The brunette replied. “He’s literally been sitting here for the past six hours with his friends waiting for you.”
“Maybe he’s just obsessive.” I shrugged.

“George.” Wilbur said firmly, catching the trio's attention for a moment before they went back to what they were doing. “What’s going on with you? As far as I can tell from what you’ve told me, you and Clay get on well. Why do you not want to take care of him?”
“I do want to take care of him.” I replied. “But I can’t just leave work. The boss will-”

“...never know.” The brunette finished off for me. “The cameras have been down for the past month and we haven’t gotten anyone in to fix it yet. You can leave and he will never know. I’ll be able to manage on my own.” I thought for a moment before nodding.
“Thanks Wilbur, that’s really sweet of you.” I smiled.

“Anytime.” My friend responded. “Now, I am not the kind of person who is friends with you because you know celebrities, but can I ask one favour?” I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he was going to ask, however I motioned for him to continue. “If you ever meet Philza, can you please get me an autograph. I am such a huge fan of him and his work.”

I laughed at his expression before agreeing, knowing how much he admired the director. Philza was in his mid thirties with a great legacy in filmmaking. His most well known movie was called ‘Hardcore’ and was about a man (who he played himself) surviving for five years in an apocalyptic wasteland filled with monsters.

By this point in time I had memorised the movie because of how often Wilbur made me watch it with him. I have to admit that even I was wowed by some of the things that his character ended up building when he was alone and trying to survive.

“Fine.” I replied. “If I ever meet Philza then I will ask for an autograph, but I doubt that is ever going to happen.”
“Thanks George, you are the best.” Wilbur responded, looking as though he was going to pull me into a hug before changing his mind and taking the cleaning rag off of me.

“Now go be with Clay,” he smirked, lightly pushing me in his direction and causing me to give him an angered look. He acted innocent and just shrugged at me as I walked over to the table where Skeppy, Clay, and Bad were all sitting.

I hummed out the blond’s name and my hand moved to rest on his shoulder before he blinked drunkenly up at me. “Hello Georgie.” He hummed, sounding very tipsy as he did. “You finished work?”
“Not exactly.” I answered. “But you are drunk and so I’m taking you home.”

“Aww you care about me.” He hummed, although it seemed that he had barely registered what I said. His hand moved to hold mine on his shoulder and I rolled my eyes.
“No I don’t care about you, but you are drunk and I want to take you home.”
“Thank fuck.” Skeppy murmured as he stood up. “He refused to let us leave without you.”

“Language Skeppy.” Bad reminded him. Bad was an actor known for playing very PG (and occasionally PG-13) roles, especially for companies like Disney. I didn’t think that he’d be like that in real life but apparently he was. Skeppy on the other hand was known for being in a lot of comedy movies, and loved playing pranks on people.

“If you guys are ready to go I could grab my stuff out of the back and meet you guys by the entrance.” I offered, and Bad and Skeppy gave a nod, with Clay being too drunk to nod himself. I left the three of them to pay as I headed out into the backroom and began picking up my stuff before leaving out of the side door.

The trio made their way out onto the street a minute or so after I did. Clay was stumbling slightly and so the other two celebrities had to carry him. My gaze softened as I moved to wrap my arm around the blond, allowing the other two to let go of him. “Come on,” I hummed at him. “Let’s get you home.”

A small smile was on his face as I helped get him into the back of Bad’s car. His head buried into my neck and I lightly attempted to move him off of me but failed. Bad and Skeppy chuckled from the front seats as the former began driving.

I didn’t realise where we were going until we were closer to the heart of London and quickly noticed that I didn’t know where we were. I spoke up, catching Bad and Skeppy’s attention as I asked ‘where are we going? My house is back by the bar.’
“We know,” Bad answered. “I was going to take you back to the hotel Clay’s staying at.”

“That’s nice, but you didn’t need to do that, I could take care of Clay at my house.” I informed the pair, only to hear Bad let out a chuckle.
“We wouldn’t want you to clean up if Clay vomits or anything,” he explained. “So we’ll go to the hotel where he’ll clean it up when he wakes up, since he doesn’t like to bother housekeeping.”

Eventually they stopped in front of a large building, and both got out of the car. With a slight stumble Clay climbed out as well. “This is your stop,” Skeppy said to both myself and the blond as he helped us both into the lobby. I smiled and gave him a small thanks as both he and Bad helped me to the elevator before telling me the keys were in Clay’s pocket.

He had already grabbed the keys before I got the chance, and I glanced at the room number to see 1602 which caused me to press the button for level 16, one of the top floors. I led him to his door once the elevator doors opened and was in awe of the room, but I could focus on it later as my first priority was to get the drunken blond into bed.

I watched as he collapsed onto the bed when I took him to it, and was about to walk out to find him some water. I was grabbed by the arm and tugged back down so I was laying with him.
1521 words

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