Chapter 38: Pick up

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Clay POV.

With a small happy sigh I scrolled through tiktok, currently and casually watching a few edits of George from the interview last night. It was a shameless thing that I did, but it also pushed our relationship even further, giving us more love and attention online.

Currently I was watching one about George answering some questions, specifically the last one which had made him tear up during the interview, and boy did people realise he teared up. In the comment section, which I spent an excessive amount of time looking through, there were hundreds of comments talking about how much we must love each other with those tears.

Such genuine emotion was being shared between us, and there were already people who were claiming that they were writing stories out on websites like Wattpad and AO3 about our relationship, some of which I took note of to… check their accuracy later. Of course I had to support them too, since it will help show just how far our love spreads.

There were other videos analysing George’s comments and posts on Twitter and Instagram, all of which I spent just as much time watching as the regular edits. The funny thing with the online world in general is that they could sometimes miss their mark. A lot of the things that George and I have said to each other online was misinterpreted, but it was cute to watch nonetheless.

Suddenly my phone started vibrating in my hand as it rang, and I quickly sat up from my position laying on the bed before answering and pulling it to my ear. “Uh… hello, you are talking to Clay Smith. How can I help?” I greeted awkwardly, out of a panic to not keep whoever was on the other end waiting.

“Clay, I need you to come to the bar.” A voice on the other end of the call responded, and after a moment of registering what the voice said I figured out who it was, Wilbur.
“What are you talking about Wilbur?” I responded. “What do you mean to come to the bar?”

“There is something going on at the bar, and George isn’t feeling well. I’ve called the boss and told him and so he’s now just needing to get home.” The brunette explained on the other end of the call.
“Okay.” I responded. “And you want me to come and get him?”

Despite phrasing it as a question I was already planning on going and standing up. I somehow began to put my shoes on with one hand as Wilbur began talking again on the other end of the call. “Well… it’s not just that…” the brunette stated.
“So what else is it?” I asked.

“Someone came into the bar, I wasn’t exactly sure if he was some kind of professional or just a random guy but it was someone coming in and planning to ask George some questions about your relationship.” My eyes widened as Wilbur said that, momentarily pausing what I was doing before continuing and asking Wilbur to elaborate.

“He came in and when George went over to ask if he wanted a drink, this guy wanted to try and ask George some questions about your relationship. When George refused and said that he was working, and that guy explained that even if George ignored him, he’d just wait until George’s shift finishes and ask him then.”

“You did get that guy kicked out right?” I questioned, since that would be my first instinct if someone was harassing my coworkers.
“George said there probably wasn’t a point, the guy said he’d be fine waiting for George to finish, neither of us thought he’d care whether he had to wait inside or outside.”

I huffed at the thought of George being harassed by anyone as I walked out of my hotel room and locked the door behind me. “I’ll come and pick him up.” I informed the brunette as I began walking towards the elevator. “I can probably be there in ten minutes,depending on traffic, alright?”

A couple of seconds passed without me getting a response, however I heard Wilbur muttering with someone on the other end of the call. After a moment of unintelligible dialogue he spoke up again. “The guy we just kicked out is live streaming something…” Wilbur muttered quietly, and my eyes widened.

As he spoke I could tell he was moving somewhere, and then he let out a loud sigh. “It seems he’s telling more people about George working here. I’m gonna go and try and tell them to leave, maybe call the police. I’ve also called the boss and another coworker will be in another fifteen minutes or so.”

I said that I’d be there in a few minutes before hanging up and hurrying down to the ground floor so that I could get to my car. Knowing how insane some fans could be, and how George had next to no experience about what insane fans were like.

In order to get to the bar as soon as possible I drove right on the speed limit. It was the time of night where the streets were relatively quiet, and aside from one or two traffic lights I didn’t have to stop at all. When I reached the bar it had been just under eight minutes, and I was both shocked and disturbed by what I saw.

There was a crowd of people swarming around the bar, more than I had seen there any of the other times I had come for a drink, some of them were holding signs with George’s name on them and some photos of the brunette enlarged. It was honestly kind of scary seeing it, and I was reminded of how insane some fans could be.

Without moving at all I grabbed my phone and called the brunette, who answered quite quickly after one or two rings. “Hello…” George greeted softly, and I gave a pitiful smile hearing his saddened voice.

“George… hey…” I responded. “I’m outside. I’m gonna give you a ride home, and I need you to walk out as quickly as possible. If anybody tries to talk to you, or ask questions, or get a photo, just respond politely that you have to go and don’t stop walking.” I instructed, and after hearing a near-silent ‘alright’ he hung up.

A minute later I saw him walking out from around the side of the building and immediately all of the insane fans began trying to get his attention. I felt my heartrate pick up out of worry as I saw him trying to make his way through the crowd without physically pushing people out of the way. It took a few long minutes and after seeing him struggle I stepped out of the car to help him.
1148 words

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