Chapter 47: Driving

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George POV.

I gave a final wave to Wilbur as I walked down the driveway to where Clay was parked with the window down. He was watching me with a wide grin on his face and I returned the look as I put my stuff in the back of the car before climbing into the passenger seat alongside the blond. He took a moment to wave at Wilbur standing in the doorway before beginning to drive.

“Bye George! Bye Clay” Wilbur called out as we drove off with a large overenthusiastic wave to the pair of us. “You two have fun, but make sure to be responsible!” I rolled my eyes at what my best friend said before rolling up the window so we didn’t hear any more obscene comments from the brunette.

As I lowered my hand away from the window switch I could faintly hear chuckling from behind me, which caused me to turn and glare at him. “What are you laughing for?” I asked accusingly.
“Nothing, just found what Wilbur said kinda funny.” He commented, before I whacked him lightly in response.

“He’s so obnoxious.” I rolled my eyes. “Ever since I first met him, there is always one obnoxious comment after another.”
“That’s part of his charm.” Clay responded, letting out the last of his giggles before smiling.

“So, are you excited to see your family again?” The blond asked, taking a moment to divert his attention from the road so that he could look at me. “It has been a long time.”
“Yeah. I have missed them, but I’m just worried that me and my sister have changed and that none of us will like each other any more.” I sighed.

Clay’s gaze had returned to the road but he had a pitiful expression present on his face, one that was filled with care and love. “Surely your sister and parents will both be happy to see you again. Even if you and your sister have changed.”
“Hopefully you’re right.” I nodded.

“Now though, we will need to meet your family at some point.” I responded. A grin was on my face as I thought of it, thinking about what the blond’s family would be like. It would be fun, they would surely be a lot different to my family too, after all they likely wouldn’t think that having any phone other than a flip phone was a waste of time and money.

“I’m sure that could be arranged.” Clay answered. “But it might be a while though, unless I can convince them to leave their jobs for a few weeks and come for a vacation in the UK. Only my sister Drista would be interested in doing that, my parents might take more convincing.l”

“Well they raised such an amazing person, I’d love to be able to meet them and see what they are like.” I hummed, settling in my seat with my gaze focused out the side window at the passing buildings.
“If they can’t come to the UK then you could always come to Florida.” Clay suggested.

At that I paused, thinking about what he said and what it would entail. Me, going to Florida. Me, leaving the place I’ve lived my whole life. I’ve never left the country before, heck I’ve barely even travelled around the country I live in. and he wanted me to go to another country in another continent to see his family.

“I’ll think about it.” I eventually answered, hiding the mix of feelings that I had about the idea of going to Florida with him. However I have heard that it was usually warm and there were lots of nice beaches, and that might be nice.

Neither of us spoke for a while after that, with us just focusing on the road instead. He was focusing on the road ahead of us and I was focusing on what passed by. All of the fields and people and buildings on the long drive to my parents home, which I had given the blond the address for yesterday.

I was tapping my foot anxiously in the footwell, thinking about how they were all going to react when they found out I was dating a movie star, but something I was equally worried about was how Clay would react. Maybe once he saw what my family was like, he’d hate me, and he’d break up with me because we were all so strange.

I truly hoped that that was not the case. After all, I have given up my job, and my socially secluded life so that I could be with the blond out of love for him. To think that I might have given up so much just for him to leave me hurt.

Who knows how long I had been staring at my feet, continuing to tap my foot anxiously in a pattern to calm myself, just trying to think out how everything was going to go. After a while of me doing that Clay noticed, and without taking his eyes from the road, his hand moved off of the steering wheel to rest on my thigh.

“You feeling okay?” He asked, his gaze soft on the odd occasion when he was looking over at me. I gave a nod in response, just muttering some useless spiel about how I was worried of what they’d think of him. Just at that point of time we stopped in front of a crossing, with a pair of children walking across it and giving the blond an excuse to properly look at me.

“George, I’ve never met your parents, but surely if they were as great as you are then I’ll love them, and they’ll hopefully do the same.” The blond stated. “If not, Wilbur is still house sitting for a week and so we can go wherever we want and do whatever we want.” His words were meant to make me feel better, but it didn’t work that well.

“You know that I don’t have the money for that Clay.” I commented, despite knowing how he would most definitely respond.
“George, I’ll pay for anything that we want to do. You know that I’d do that to make you happy, right?” His words made me nod a yes, a way of showing that I understood, but it felt weird.

My face stayed the same neutral expression as he said that, since I didn’t really want anything from him. He had already brought me more than enough, and the fact he was willing to drive for hours so that he could visit people he’d never met before, all for me.

It almost seemed as if Clay read my mind, although he didn’t say anything, and his hand moved off of my thigh before going to the road while he nodded. The way he was acting made it seem as though I had said something to him, which I hadn’t, at least not out loud. And that was my cue to go back to looking at my feet again.
1206 words

What do you think George's parents will be like?

Will they get along with Clay and 'give him their blessing' like Wilbur said they would?

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