Chapter 19: Accelerate

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Clay POV

‘Maybe I should have told George more of what this movie was about before we started watching it,’ I thought to myself as I looked over at the brunette who was sitting at the other end of the couch. He’d completely forgotten about his breakfast that was sitting in front of him as he stared at the screen, his eyes wide the entire time.

I mean, Netflix had said in the description that it was an action movie, with a lot of racing, and it had said that it was an r18, which any movie watcher knew meant there was something either really gory or really sexual that wasn’t allowed to be watched by those younger. However, George was not a movie watcher, so he probably didn’t know what it meant.

Accelerate was an action movie that I was in a year or so ago, and it had been relatively fun to be a part of. It was a story about an illegal racer, someone who loved nothing more than racing, and loved his sports car as much as someone would love their child (or probably their partner, since there were several jokes about them fucking the car). That was played by Sapnap.

I was his roommate and best friend, someone who was often with different girls and loved the thrill of racing as much as Sapnap’s character did. One of the most iconic characters I played for my often intense personality and witty one-liners.

Finally there was the flag boy. The story followed a romance between himself and the racer, Sapnap. This was Karl, and one of his only roles in a movie since he much preferred what he did now, a show where people enter completely random, and sometimes insane, challenges to compete for things ranging from money, to cars, to houses.

Currently we were about halfway through the movie, where my character challenges Sapnap’s character to a race to win the right to date Karl. Even though it’s been who knows how long since I filmed that scene I still remember the day we filmed it on set. Just to annoy the ravenette afterwards I went to Karl and jokingly asked him on the date, claiming I had won the argument.

I couldn’t help but chuckle under my breath as George muttered something about how racing for the right to date someone is weird, then going to complain about it happening twice during the movie’s runtime. First in a flashback with Sapnap’s girlfriend (who was played by Zendaya), and again with Karl.

Out of the corner of my eye I kept looking over at George, seeing how he reacted to anything that happened. Most notably how he would turn away and cover his eyes when one of the sex scenes came on.

From the many times I had watched the movie I’d honestly grown insensitive to the sex scenes, even if it was weird to watch your real best friend and his boyfriend giving each other blowjobs in a car while one of them is wearing an outfit they wouldn’t be caught dead wearing in a million years.

Karl himself loved the movie but often complained about the outfit he had to wear; some tight red shorts (the same colour as Sapnap’s red car), a purplish-blue crop top, and depending on the scene there may be a leather jacket or hoodie on as well. But he grew to love the outfit and was even given an award for the role.

I paused the movie when I saw George was looking away, and sympathetically asked him if he was okay. When he realised the movie had stopped playing he looked over at me and gave a wary nod. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just didn’t expect this movie to have any sex in it. I never figured that Karl or Sapnap would be the type of people to film a sex scene.”

“Well the two of them are full of surprises.” I noted. “But if you want I can skip the sex scene or we can change the movie entirely. There might be something else here that we could watch.”
George nodded. “Yeah, maybe. Sorry that I couldn’t watch all of it, but I liked your character. You had a lot of funny lines.”

“No need to apologise. I should have told you about some of the stuff that was in the movie.” I said as I grabbed the remote and went to the list of movies. “Is there anything else you want to watch?” As I looked over at him I finally noticed the blush on his face from the other movie, but I didn’t say anything as I waited for his answer.

Unsurprisingly he just shrugged, saying he didn’t know any movies before thinking for a moment and his eyes suddenly widened. “Is there anything else on here that you are in?”
“There might be.” I nodded, searching my name up under actors and seeing what came up. “I doubt there is too much though.”

About seven things came up, a mixture of shows and movies. A grin appeared on the brunette’s face as he looked over what was there, and I raised an eyebrow at him. “You really want to watch movies about me?” I asked. “Surely I can’t be that interesting.”
“More interesting than I am at least.” He hummed. “Your movies seem cool.”

“You are very interesting.” I reassured him. “You’re the first person I’ve met in a while who isn’t on their phone twenty four-seven, or isn’t talking about the latest gossip every ten minutes. It is a nice break. So thank you.”

“Well, I guess you are welcome.” the brunette smiled. “But seeing you in a movie may be enough to convince me to get myself a TV.”
“Aww, so you’d get a TV just to watch me? That’s cute.” I teased.
“Shut up,” he muttered. “It's not my fault that you have an interesting life.”

I smiled over at him, honestly seeing the excitement he had as he looked at the screen reminded me of how I was as a kid. The way I’d be so entranced by any Disney movie my parents took me to see, unable to tear my eyes away from the bright colours and fantastic songs.

Except in George's case, what was on the screen was a lot less interesting, however it was a lot more attractive than a Disney movie. “Any of these seem interesting to you?” I asked after slowly cycling over all of them so the brunette could read what they were about.
“Can we watch all of them?” He questioned.

“If you want. Not all of them today obviously, but at some point before I go back to the US we could do a movie marathon.” I offered. “But maybe just one for now.” I continued. “So which one seems like it would be the best watch?” For a moment he seemed to think before pointing at one and I nodded before pressing play.
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