Chapter 71: Waking up

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Voting for the new story will be soon, meaning that I've almost finished writing this one, meaning you've all almost finished reading this one (at least two more weeks of chapters though)
George POV.

When I woke up I finally felt like I was done with crying. A shaky breath fell from my lips and I was about to sit up when I heard something coming from behind me that made me freeze. The conversation that I had with Monica… playing from behind me. From the quiet breathing I could hear behind me I could tell Clay was listening and it made me want to cry.

Hearing the words playing from the phone made my eyes water. The reminder of what I had said to Clay’s ex girlfriend, playing many times over for my boyfriend to hear and making more guilt pile up inside of me.

Surely Clay was mad at me. He said that he loved me for what I said to her, and I did believe those words, but I felt bad for the way that everyone was hating Clay on Twitter for what I had said. What if he wanted to break up with me because I made him get all of this hate? The thought made me want to cry.

I let out a quiet whine at the thought. After all I had been through. All I had done for the blond and all he had done for me, surely he wouldn’t leave me. Still the thought was there, but before it could develop too much further, Clay seemed to notice my reaction and pulled me into a hug.

Clay POV.

Seeing what people were saying about George honestly made me want to throw up, or break something, or both. I was aware that Twitter could be a disgusting place at times, but honestly this was a whole new low for the app. In response to what I read, I pulled George close to me on the bed, a way of reassuring his subconscious self that I’d keep him safe from this hate.

Eventually, after scrolling for a very long while, I actually came across a clip of the conversation Monica had recorded which had sparked all the hate for George. After turning my volume down low so as to not disturb him, I pressed play.

The first bit of the conversation was cut off, coming in with: 'George, no need to sound so stressed sweetie.' Her tone annoyingly sweet, trying to force the thoughts of innocence onto the listener, but just as toxic and hate-fueled as it always was. 'I just want to tell you that you are…'

'I don’t care what the hell you want to tell me.'  George responded with a low growl which I didn’t think was possible to come from the brunette and I honestly found kind of hot but this was not the time. 'Now, I want to make this clear… If you ever try and contact Clay again, or me again, then I will not hesitate to find you and make you wish your bitchy model ass was never born…'

I stopped paying attention after that, but couldn’t help the love that began filling my heart for the brunette at those words. God, George was so perfect, and the way he talked to her when she was being her entitled self made him even more perfect. Unfortunately, the rest of the internet did not see it that way.

As I rewatched the video two or three times I knew I needed to do something in order to stop the hate being directed to my boyfriend. After all, he was completely perfect and undeserving of all the hate that he has been receiving. I thought about it for a while, trying to come up with an idea as to prove he wasn’t a bad person.

Speaking of George, I heard a quiet whine coming from him as he adjusted himself on the bed, causing me to put my phone down and look over at him. His eyes were open and full of tears, causing me to wordlessly pull him into a hug. “How are you going George?” I asked while hugging him from behind.

“Just feel shitty.” He responded quietly, causing me to pull him even closer as I ‘awwed’ him pitifully. “I’m so sorry that I said all of that stuff.”
“You don’t have to apologise George. I should be thanking you for putting her in her place, even if she turned it against you.”

George just hummed in acknowledgement, taking in my words despite it seeming like he didn’t actually believe it. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get any better than that, that nothing else I could say would be able to change his mind and so I just nuzzled into his back with a huff. The brunette seemed to enjoy my actions and he leaned into me.

“So would you like something to eat?” I offered. “I mean, that’s why I originally left, but after you were upset when I got back we kind of forgot to eat it before you fell back asleep.” I allowed myself to laugh at the situation, something which George also smiled at.
“What did you get?” He asked, hesitating slightly in the middle of his question.

“Well there was fries, chicken nuggets, and a couple of paninis. The fries and the chicken nuggets I ate after you went to sleep since I knew they wouldn’t be nice cold, but I still have the two paninis which should be fine.”
“What flavours did you get?” He asked curiously, sitting up more.

“Both of them are bacon and egg.” I said, reaching over to the bedside table and grabbing the paper bag where the two paninis were still wrapped tightly. They were both slightly warm and I passed one of them over to George. He gave me a small ‘thanks’ before unwrapping it and beginning to eat.

I wasn’t too hungry so I decided to leave my panini for a while longer and just hold him while we slept. It somehow ended up with him sitting between my legs eating, while I had an arm wrapped around his waist and my head resting on his shoulder.

The two of us settled happily with each other, and after George finished the first panini I allowed him to eat mine. After that, he nuzzled into me tiredly, beginning to mutter thanks for getting me food, before apologising again for not eating it earlier. It was honestly adorable, sad, yet adorable.

Both of us laid with one another for a while before the brunette fell asleep again. As he snored lightly in my arms I came up with an idea, unwrapping my arms from around the brunette and slipping into the bathroom while holding my phone, intending to call somebody.
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Also next chapter is Monica's POV... How do you think that will go?

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