Chapter 88: Toothpaste and bed talk

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Final chapter tomorrow
Clay POV.

“Please can you tell me a bedtime story?” The small boy asked, sitting alert in the double bed which was at least twenty times his size. George and I sat on the edge of the bed hoping that we’d have the simple task of putting the five year old to bed, however it proved to be a much longer task than we had anticipated.

“It’s a bit late Noah.” George responded softly. “Clay and I are tired, and you’re probably tired too. You sure we can’t tell you a story in the morning?”
The five year old scrunched up his face as he thought it over before reluctantly agreeing. “I guess that could work.”

“Alright, overnight while you sleep we’ll think up the best story to tell you in the morning.” I reassured him as I stood up, looking down at my son.
“Promise?” He asked with one of the most innocent looks I’ve ever seen.

“Promise.” George responded, his hand squeezing the five year old’s much smaller one in an act of parental love and care. Seeing the two of them interacting like this made me feel happier than words were able to describe. “Now good night.” George continued as he stood up and walked over to the door with me moving alongside him.

The two of us gave him a final look before turning the bedroom light off and shutting the door as we stepped out. A tired sigh fell from the brunette’s lips when we were alone before he leaned into me. “God I’m tired.” He muttered, snuggling into me. “I just want to go to bed with you and never leave it again, especially after yesterday.”

“As much as I would love to do this, we are parents now.” I responded. “We have Noah to think about. If we stayed in bed forever we couldn’t make him food or get him to school.”
“You’ve really settled into this parental mindset haven’t you?” George asked as we reached our bedroom and shut the door to it after we stepped in.

“Of course I have.” I smirked. “I’m pretty sure I’ve told you before that if and when I found out Noah was my child then I’d love him and raise him, that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“That’s really sweet of you.” George complimented as he pulled his shirt over his head.

“I know. I’m going to be the best father.” I responded as I went to neaten up the bed sheets which were messy from the last time they’d been slept in. “And you’re going to be the best mother.” My words drew an offended gasp from the Brit before he swatted me on the shoulder.
“How dare you imply I’m the mother.” He feigned hurt. “I’m much more manly than you are.”

“Maybe in the morning you can prove how manly you are. For now, please can we just sleep.” I said with a roll of my eyes as I watched George disappear into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He didn’t bother to close the door since it wasn’t like he was getting naked or doing something else that required privacy.

As he brushed his teeth I just sat at the end of the bed, watching his shirtless figure and planning on continuing our conversation. “Do you think Noah knows why his Mum’s going to prison?” George asked, having the toothbrush in his mouth as he questioned me which made his words sound kinda funny.

“I don’t think so.” I replied fidgeting with my fingers at the mention of my ex-fiance. I was still feeling stressed and upset about what she had done and couldn’t bring myself to look in George’s eyes as we talked in the two rooms. “Maybe he knows about her stealing, but I doubt he’ll have any clues about the stalking or the r@pe.”

“Don’t you think he’ll want to know the truth?” The brunette questioned, his words surprisingly clear for somebody who had toothpaste in their mouth.
“He probably will, but he’s a kid. We can’t tell him about that kind of stuff.” Talking about this was even making me feel anxious, not that I’d say that to George since I didn’t want him to feel bad.

The brunette didn’t say anything in response, clearly comprehending my words and agreeing with what I was saying. He finished brushing his teeth before leaving the room and heading for his side of the bed. As he passed me he stopped for a moment to press a kiss onto my cheek, allowing me to smell the faint mint from his toothpaste.

After George climbed into bed he looked at me with a slightly confused expression. “Aren’t you going to be getting changed and ready for bed?” He asked, tilting his head as he waited for an answer. I responded with a ‘oh yeah right’ as I remembered that I had to get ready for bed and not just sit and talk to George.

The bedroom was warm, so I was planning on taking my shirt off and sleeping shirtless like he was, but as my hands touched the hem of my hoodie I froze as my fingers clenched the fabric. Memories of what had happened earlier began flooding through my mind. Thoughts of her pinning me down and pulling my clothes off leaving me feeling so exposed and humiliated and…

“Clay1” George was in front of me in an instant, fear and worry in his eyes as he gazed up at me with soft hands resting on my cheeks. “Are you okay?”
After a shaking, shuddered breath I gave a small nod. “I’m fine.” I attempted to reassure him, not certain if I actually convinced him.

I picked up a pair of shorts and a shirt, neither of which I would usually wear to bed but today I felt exposed. “I’m gonna go and get changed and do my teeth.” Without waiting for George to respond I disappeared into the bathroom and shut the door.

George POV.

A small ounce of relief returned when Clay climbed into bed, being almost fully dressed as he climbed in the bed next to me and I shuffled closer. Although I wanted to, I didn’t initiate any form of touch until he’d made the first move, which he very quickly did, causing him to be hugging my waist, while I hugged his shoulders.

Neither of us spoke, but we were both thinking a lot. For several hours it remained that way, neither being able to get any sleep as we lay with one another in the dark bedroom. I was just stressing out about Clay, who knows what thoughts were going through his mind at the moment.

But eventually, I did know when he spoke up. He didn’t say what I was expecting him to say though. “I’m done with this.” He simply said, waking up any part of my body that had fallen asleep but that point.
“What do you mean you’re ‘done with this’?” I asked, not knowing what he meant.

“I’m done with everything in this stupid life.” He stated. “I was just thinking about what had happened and about what will happen to Monica after she gets convicted, and I realised that after it happened we’d get a lot of hate from it. Even if it isn’t our fault and we have heaps of proof. We’ll be the ones who ruined her life with her son.”

“So you want to give up your entire life?” I asked him, only to get a nod as an answer. “What would we even do though?”
“I’m a millionaire.” He responded. “We’ve got more than enough money to get us a new house and then we can live off it for a few years before having to get jobs.”

His idea, while still having to have a few holes in it could honestly work, although I couldn’t say that just now. “Are you sure that you want to do this?” After I asked my question he softly kissed my hand.

“George. In the few months you’ve been famous, people have wanted you dead on their doorstep or as a hook-up and everything in between. Anything going on in our lives became the world’s knowledge and every time we even looked at another person we’d be accused of cheating. Is that how you want to spend the rest of your life?”

“I…” I thought about what he said, flashing back in brief snippets to all of the things I’d read about me over those long days. All the nights I’d cry in the bathroom or go hiding under my covers because of all the hatred I’d seen spewed about. It wasn’t something I liked. “I guess not.” I finished.

“So how about we go on the run with Noah and start a new quiet life away from all that? We can make our lives like our own romantic comedy.” He joked. I didn’t even need to think about his offer for more than a minute before I nuzzled into the crook of his neck. ‘That sounds like it could be perfect." I told him.
1567 words

I have to say, I am utterly disgusted by the lack of awe-struck comments and compliments for the first few chapters of Howl in the Night.

Do better or I kill off George at the end of the book.

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