Chapter 59: Teenagers

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People guessed that this would be an Ezra chapter, and they were correct.

I am sad that the break from this idiot has come to an end but here we go.
George POV
Making out/prelude to smut

‘The idea that Clay had was surprisingly fun’, I couldn’t help but think as I leaned further into the blond’s kisses and touches. One of my hands was resting on his shoulder to keep myself balanced, and to help with that, Clay had his hands wrapped around my waist, massaging the small of my back while holding me close.

Our sloppy make-out session reminded me of that of a teenager, but not because of experience obviously. Clay had shown me a handful of cliche 2000s high school movies which feature wild parties which are, according to the blond, nothing like the parties he went to back in Florida. I had no expertise on the subject myself though since I hadn’t been to a high school party.

That’s what it reminded me of, mis-matched, and lacking skill or coordination, so I allowed myself to lean back and follow the blond’s lead. Even though he was slightly tipsy from the alcohol he had consumed at the restaurant, he still had all of his self control, and was making sure to be gentle with me since he rightly assumed it was my first time doing this.

Both he and Wilbur have made plenty of disbelieving remarks in the past saying that I had to have had plenty of partners throughout the course of my life due to how ‘drop dead gorgeous’ I was, but I hadn’t. In the years of Nintendo and Apple and Xbox and Playstation, I was uncool for not owning those devices, so nobody wanted to date, or party with, or hang around with me.

Clay however, was probably out partying every evening. Always having someone leave with him to go do who-knows-what. Wilbur was the same, always going out for parties, which was something he still did to this day.

I moaned softly before he harshly bit my lip, pulling me from my thoughts, and I pushed away from him with my eyes widened. “Sorry George,” the blond quickly spoke before I got the chance to say anything. “I didn’t mean to bite you.”

“No, I’m fine.” As I spoke one of my fingers moved to trace the lip that he had bitten, still feeling slight marks from the blond’s teeth. “I actually enjoyed it.” I admitted. “It felt strange, but it was exciting.” A smirk grew on the blond’s face as I said that.

“I didn’t realise you’d be into a little bit of pain.” He commented, his arms moving to pull me closer again. “Thought you’d be more of a pillow princess.” Before I could ask what exactly a ‘pillow princess’ was, his eyes darkened with lust. “I could work with this.” His words made me shiver with excitement, and I leaned closer to him in response.

“Clay.” I whined out as his head dipped into the crook of my neck and he began nipping at my skin. I didn’t know what to say as his kisses and bites made small noises of excitement fall from my lips, noises which I wouldn’t want my family or friends to hear in a million years. But around Clay, those sounds seemed to encourage him more.

My hands were clawing at his dress shirt, the one that he had worn out to dinner, and to keep them from shaking against him I busied myself with trying to undo the buttons of his shirt so I could pull it off. I had seen him shirtless only once or twice before when we were staying at his hotel back in London, and in my body’s excited state, I wanted this to be the third time.

But with the onslaught of love bites around my neck and collarbone I couldn't focus at all, causing me to slump against him with a weak yet satisfied sigh. The action caught Clay’s attention, and so he pulled away to look at me. “Are you feeling okay Sweetie?” He hummed, teasing me with the nickname.

I just muttered some unintelligible words before pawing pathetically at his shirt, no longer able to focus enough to undo the buttons and Clay looked down to see what I was wanting. Upon his realisation he let out a laugh before lowering me down on the hotel bed. My pupils were dilated as I watched him unbutton his shirt before pulling it off, revealing his toned chest.

Being an actor who was seen as reasonably attractive, I had assumed that his chest would have massive abs and muscles since long before I saw him shirtless for the first time, but this defied my expectations. I watched him with my lips slightly parted as my gaze trailed up and down his torso, admiring each little detail that I could.

The blond even seemed to wait for me to get a good eyefull before moving, crawling over to me and with his arms on either side of my head to cage me in. “Are you okay with this?” He asked softly, his lips beside my ears so that I could clearly hear the whispered question. I nodded, but that wasn’t good enough. “I want words, gorgeous.” He hummed.

The nickname caused my eyes to widen blissfully, before muttering a barely audible ‘please’, but it was enough for Clay at the very least. He lightly bit on my ear lobe, causing me to shiver in a pleasant but unnatural way. My reaction pulled a chuckle as he began pressing a line of gentle kisses down the side of my face until reaching my lips.

His hand trailed down to the hem of my shirt before lifting it slowly, keeping eye contact with me to make sure I was okay with this, which I most definitely was. Clay pulled my shirt over my head and began kissing along my chest, which I pushed upwards in an attempt for more contact.

“You are so desperate.” He chuckled as his hands moved to fiddle with my belt. “Acting entitled to all of this touch and affection. You are lucky that I love you so much, otherwise I could leave you here all desperate.” I whined in annoyance at his words, making him pout down at me.

“Don’t be like that.” He spoke softly, pulling down my pants with tauntingly slow movements, continuing to talk as he did. “If you act like that then I won’t give you anything.” A furrowed expression appeared on my face as he said that, especially when one of his hands lightly squeezed my neck. “Just sit back and behave and I will give you what you want.”

The words made me want to whine again, coming out somewhat strangled against his hands on my neck. But I kept myself composed before laying back to do exactly what he was saying. “You look so fucking pretty George.” He hummed. “Maybe you should become a model for your next job. God knows you’d make a fortune.”

“Thanks…” I murmured, feeling embarrassed as his hand loosened slightly and I could take a breath. “You could also be a model… I guess.” He pressed some more loving kisses against my torso.

“How far do you want me to take this?” He asked, his hand moving to cup my cheek. His eyes softened as he waited for an answer.
Without waiting a moment I answered ‘All the way’.
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