Chapter 36: Hotel

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Clay POV.

“That was the most excited I have seen the crowd before.” Puffy smiled at the two of us while both myself and the brunette grabbed some stuff off a table of snacks for crew members and guests. It was just small things like bowls of potato chips and plates of cheese and crackers. Puffy had also grabbed herself something to eat before she’d have to head back on stage.

“Well it’s a pleasure to cause all of the excitement.” I responded before eating one of the crackers that I had grabbed. “And you were an amazing interviewer too Puffy.”
“Thank you.” She smiled as she poured herself a glass of iced water and sipped it. “If either of you want to come on again I’m sure the crowd would be just as excited.”

“If we ever want another place to talk, then we’ll be sure to give you or your producers a call.” I reassured her, and she nodded happily before setting down her glass of water as she finished it.
“Speaking of my producers, I have to go talk with them before the ad break is over. So I have to go, but it was a pleasure to meet you.”

“Same with you.” George responded, giving the interview a smile. “I hope that the rest of your show goes well.”
“You two can stay back here and watch the rest of the show, or you can head home early if you want.” She smiled before walking off.

I turned to the brunette before giving him a loving smile. “You did great George.” I told him once we were out of earshot of most of the crew, aside from a couple of cameramen who had come to grab themselves something to eat. “You are a natural at these types of things.”

“Thanks.” He responded. “It was really terrifying when we first got on stage, but afterwards it was actually kind of fun. Thanks for the tip about just focusing on one person.”
“Anytime. It was the thing that got me through my first interview.” I explained. “So, wanna stay and watch the rest of the show, or do you wanna head home?”

George nodded. “Wilbur said that he was waiting for us outside, and asked for me to bring some food out for him.” As he spoke, the brunette grabbed himself a napkin and put a couple pieces of food on the napkin before folding it up. He then smiled and said he was ready to go.

I took his empty hand and we walked out of the studio the way we came, waving goodbye and saying thanks to members of the backstage crew as we did. When we had stepped outside into the cold evening Wilbur jumped out of the shadows, almost as if he had been hiding there to try and scare us.

“You two were perfect with your interview!” He said excitedly. “The people sitting on either side of me were practically sobbing when you talked about how ‘for once I felt like the most important thing in the world’. They didn’t believe me though when I said that I was your best friend.”
“Maybe it was because of how erratic and insane you sound.” I suggested.

“Yeah, that would make sense.” Wilbur agreed. “Now, George, did you get me the food like I asked?” Although he asked the question he was already eyeing the napkin in George’s hands and held his hands out expectantly to take it. Both of us chuckled before the brunette passed the napkin over to his best friend with a ‘there you go’.

“Can I ask why you decided to leave?” I asked. “I mean, we got you front row tickets and the show has only finished its first half. There were still two other interviews you could have seen.”
“I don’t like this show. All the blackmail shit to get people to come on their show. I don’t want to sit there and support it. I was only there for you and George.”

“So are you going back to your apartment or do you want to come stay at mine Will?” George questioned as we began walking in the direction of where our cars were parked.
“I would love to stay with you!” Wilbur smirked happily. “Unless you two want to have some alone time to unwind the stress and get touchy with each other.”

I rolled my eyes as George spluttered out a response, some crude insult for his best friend about the suggestion that the two of us do all sorts of things together alone as a way to ‘unwind the stress’ in Wilbur’s words. I rolled my eyes again as the two began bickering childishly as I climbed into the driver’s seat.

George got into the passenger seat, no longer talking to Wilbur as the two seemingly decided to give one another the silent treatment. “So,” I spoke up. “Where were we going? Are we heading to George’s house, or Wilbur’s, or my hotel, or to a restaurant somewhere so we could have some kind of dessert?”

“Could we go to your hotel?” Wilbur questioned. “I wanna see what it is like. Plus, it is probably a lot better to watch movies and order food in.”
“They have some amazing desserts on the room service menu.” I explained. “I’ve only had two or three of them since I’ve been staying here, but they’re delicious.”

As I talked and drove I noticed George had pulled his phone out of his pocket and was looking over something online, which made me feel a bit saddened, since up until a week ago he would roll his eyes at somebody doing the same thing. But being famous just for a few weeks changed him.

“What are you looking at George?” Wilbur asked, adjusting himself in the backseat to attempt to look over the brunette’s shoulder.
“People who are watching the episode live are already commenting about it.” George just said.

“That’s what the internet is like.” I just nodded. “The moment someone hears about someone or something else they will want to voice their opinions and then get attention for it.”
“What are they saying about it?” Wilbur questioned, while continuing to lean between the two front seats.

“Stuff about how they love our relationship, and that they can’t wait to see it unfold. But there are some weirder ones, like ‘I want them to adopt me’ and ‘they are both so fucking pretty, I would take a threesome any day’.”  George read.

“To be fair I would probably also want a threesome.” Wilbur joked before being pushed backwards by George. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!” He reassured us.
“You are so annoying.” George huffed, and I scoffed at the pair of them before slowing to a stop as I went to turn into the hotel's parking lot.

After that as I pulled into a parking spot I noticed that the brunette’s attention had gone back to the phone again, and because of that I fell back into silent sadness of losing one of the things that made him special.
1192 words

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