Chapter 21: Movie marathon

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George POV.

"Hey Wilbur." I said as he answered the phone. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." Clay had only dropped me off an hour ago, but ever since I started watching the blond's movies I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of them were like, and since Wilbur was on every sort of streaming service known to man I was hoping I could watch with him.

"Sure, I could hang out." He responded. "What was it that you wanted to do?"
"Maybe we could watch a movie," I suggested, trying to make it sound natural and not as if I had an ulterior motive of finding out more about Clay's movies. However, the suggestion of watching movies seemed to make me more suspicious than less suspicious.

"Why do you want to watch a movie?" Wilbur asked on the other end of the line, and I could tell based on his voice that he was most likely raising an eyebrow at me in suspicion. "You hate movies."
"I don't hate movies." I responded. "I was just feeling like watching one this morning."

"Oh really?" The brunette hummed, clearly figuring out what my plans were. "And does the movie watching have anything to do with you recently hanging out with Clay Smith?" I didn't answer, which clearly was an answer in itself. "Wow George," he clearly smirked. "You are so subtle."

"You've been wanting me to watch more movies with you for years." I responded. "How do you know I didn't just want to try out some more movies?"
"Sure. You can come over for dinner and have a movie marathon with me." He replied. "I am sure we can find dozens of things involving Clay for you."

"That's not why I wanted to-" I was cut off as the other brunette hung up the call. I sighed and pocketed my flip phone before standing up from her couch before heading to the bedroom. With a yawn I sat down on the bed, thinking about the movies we'd watched this morning.

My mind mainly got caught on that Accelerate one. It was different to all of the movies I had watched before, things like the Hardcore movie that Wilbur was obsessed with. All of the lewd behaviour that the main characters all got lost in.

Clay had one sex scene during it, which was the only one that I didn't turn away from. It was only a short one but it was so strange to witness. The loud moans, the faces contorted in pleasure and lust, and the sights, God the sights, my brief glances of the way that Dream looked during it.

Obviously I knew that sex in movies was always faked. I may not be too familiar with movies and TV shows and social media, but I knew that most on screen sex was all faked. However I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if I was the one in that sex scene with Clay, although I knew it was wrong of me.

But everything that happened on the screen that I saw looked so good. The way that Clay praised the woman he was with, his soft voice made me melt inside and made me want to do anything he asked of me. It was mixed in with degrading commands and rough movements, and while I wasn't a big fan of the harsh words, the treatment seemed perfect.

Obviously it was just part of Clay's character, there was a chance that he was nothing like this in real life, but I couldn't help but think that that was exactly what he would do if he ever had the opportunity with me. God, imagining having sex with someone the same way they did in a movie. I was so disgusting.

I'd never had a relationship before. Nobody ever wanted to date the weird kid who didn't have the latest phone model, and who hadn't seen the most recent movies. I was the weirdo who even weirdos didn't want to hang out with.

Clay was the first person to ever like me in a romantic sense, or at least the first person that I knew about. If any other person liked me they wouldn't say so, seeing as if they did they'd be hated for liking the weirdo. The only other people who asked me out were drunk girls wanting a hook-up at the bar.

I grabbed my stuff before looking at the time. There was a bus which would take me all the way to Wilbur's apartment, it was just a seven minute walk to the bus stop, then a twelve minute ride, and finally a two minute walk from where I'd get off. This was the easiest way to get to his apartment.

There was a bus that took about one hour and thirty minutes to complete a loop, and it would be past my house again in forty-five minutes. Until then I could just sit on the couch and read, I decided. I settled onto the couch and moved to grab my book which I'd set on the coffee table earlier.

Just as I was about to go to the page I had last been reading, my flip phone vibrated in my pocket. Shutting my book again I pulled it out to look, and a grin grew on my face when I saw that it was Clay. The message was a simple 'hey', but made me smile as I typed out a reply, a very similar 'hi'.

'How's your day going?' The blond asked a minute or so after I had messaged him. 'It's going good. I'm visiting Wilbur for dinner tonight since neither of us are working,' I responded. I didn't tell him that he inspired me to have a movie marathon, he didn't need to know that. There wasn't a response straight away and so I assumed he put his phone down to do something.

A few minutes later, after I had set my phone down and went back to reading my book again, I received another message from him. 'I still want to hang out with Wilbur outside of your workplace. You've met my friends and I want to be able to meet yours :(.' I rolled my eyes before typing out a response.

'I'll ask if he wants to meet up at some point' I reassured through a message. 'He'll probably say yes though'. That was the start of a conversation that lasted a few minutes, and after a while I noticed the time, cutting off our conversation with a sad 'my bus is gonna be here soon, so I have to go. Bye'

A moment later I got a 'bye :(' in response, and I pocketed my phone before standing up to leave.
1141 words

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