time to open some presents(Christmas chapter final part) lemon

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But after spending time with his two animals he said his goodbye and left to go home.

As he was walking he was thinking about what Kiri could get for him.

Before he could go home he noticed a Navi girl standing close to the water looking around at it. He walked over next to her.

Y/n: what are you looking at?

tsireya: I'm just watching the water. Listening to the waves crashing with each other. What about you?

Y/n: I was just heading home when I saw how beautiful you were looking with the wind blowing through your hair and the night sky behind you.

tsireya face turns bright red she almost has a steaming look on her face. Then looked at him in his eyes.

She liked that part about him, his eyes always looked great no matter when she looked at them. It gave her reassurance.

She looked away and felt her face getting brighter.

tsireya: You have such beautiful ways with your words. It can get you into trouble, you know that.

He moves his arms around her waist to bring her closer to him. Her body was now pushed against his as she looked up at him.

Y/n: I like trouble.

She put her face into his chest, her face blushing crazy.

thinking that this was the right moment to tell him about the thing above them.

tsireya: you should look above you.

He took that as a surprise and looked up to see some kind of plant above them.

Y/n: what is that?

It looked like one of those plants that you can blow and the seeds would go flying but it was blue and small, glowing aura.

tsireya: it is a plant we call a bellsprig it doesn't do anything when it is like this but when they are big it does some interesting things from what I have been told

(Some may recognize this name from a new game recently)

He felt some kind of feeling almost like something change in him.

Luck +1

tsireya: but for this time of the year people who stand under it have to....kiss

Y/n: you just happened to be standing under this when I came over hmm

tsireya: well what do you say?

Y/n: well as you said it only means that for this time of the year so must be a tradition.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as y/n wrapped his other hand around her waist.

He brought his face close to her, feeling their lips connected. Her lips felt soft and warm in a good way.

They both had their eyes closed as they were still in that embrace.

Y/n was the first to pull away and instead of doing what he would normally do. getting some tongue action, he decided to be more reserved for the holiday.

She was breathing slightly harder. For someone who can hold their breath underwater for a long time, it is not so easy with a kiss especially since she is still not sure how to.

She stood on her tippy toes to reach his ear.

tsireya: thank you for the gift and I look forward to next time~

Now that she said something he noticed that she was wearing the beads on her hair. It looked quite good on her.

Y/n: you still look great. I need to get going. How about I take you on a date sometime?

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